I\'m using the following code snippet to determine what process ID my vbscript is running as:
On Error Resume Next
Dim iMyPID : iMyPID = GetObject(\"winmgmts
Powershell can be used to retrieve the calling VBScript process ID. This approach utilizes the optional argument of the exit
command which specifies the program's exit code. And, if the optional 3rd argument of the WShell.Run
method is set to True
, then it will return the exit code (which is the VBScript process ID) after powershell has closed.
Dim sCmd
Dim WShell
sCmd = _
"powershell -command exit " & _
"(gwmi Win32_Process -Filter " & _
Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
MsgBox WShell.Run(sCmd, 0, True)
I just found this thread that partly solved my problem. Thank you all.
"the code is unable to determine which process ID belongs to which script" : true, but as this is the first task that your script must achieve , you can keep the Pid that has the shortest lifetime.
Set com = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set objSWbemServices = GetObject ("WinMgmts:Root\Cimv2")
Set colProcess = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery ("Select * From Win32_Process")
dim toto, thisPid
toto=200 ' just a high value like 200sec
For Each objProcess In colProcess
If InStr (objProcess.CommandLine, WScript.ScriptName) <> 0 Then
if toto > Ptime then
toto = Ptime
thisPid = objProcess.ProcessId
End If
End If
If thisPid="" then
WScript.Echo "unable to get the PID"
WScript.Echo "PID of this script : "&thisPid
End If
Except if you fired scripts quicker more than each one can retrieve their Pid, everything must be ok.
mshta terminates itself immediately. Maybe it's too late to achieve parent process id by using WMI service.
So, I'd use something like this to eliminate concurrent script processes.
Function CurrProcessId
Dim oShell, sCmd, oWMI, oChldPrcs, oCols, lOut
lOut = 0
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oWMI = GetObject(_
sCmd = "/K " & Left(CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").Guid, 38)
oShell.Run "%comspec% " & sCmd, 0
WScript.Sleep 100 'For healthier skin, get some sleep
Set oChldPrcs = oWMI.ExecQuery(_
"Select * From Win32_Process Where CommandLine Like '%" & sCmd & "'",,32)
For Each oCols In oChldPrcs
lOut = oCols.ParentProcessId 'get parent
oCols.Terminate 'process terminated
Exit For
CurrProcessId = lOut
End Function
Dim ProcessId
ProcessId = CurrProcessId 'will remain valid indefinitely
WScript.Echo ProcessId
I like Kul-Tigin's idea (+1), and Asok Smith's idea (based on .Exec
) deserve respect (+1), and it w'd been even better if .Exec
run hidden process. So, to feed my curiosity, I also toyed with this and this's what I did.
ts1 = Timer : res1 = CurrProcessId : te1 = Timer - ts1
ts2 = Timer : res2 = ThisProcessId : te2 = Timer - ts2
WScript.Echo "CurrProcessId", res1, FormatNumber(te1, 6), _
vbCrLf & "ThisProcessId", res2, FormatNumber(te2, 6), _
vbCrLf & "CurrProcessId / ThisProcessId = " & te1 / te2
'> CurrProcessId 6946 0,437500
'> ThisProcessId 6946 0,015625
'> CurrProcessId / ThisProcessId = 28
Function ThisProcessId
ThisProcessId = 0
Dim sTFile, oPrc
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sTFile = .BuildPath(.GetSpecialFolder(2), "sleep.vbs")
With .OpenTextFile(sTFile, 2, True)
.Write "WScript.Sleep 1000"
End With
End With
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("WScript " & sTFile)
For Each oPrc In GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2").ExecQuery(_
"Select * From Win32_Process Where ProcessId=" & .ProcessID)
Exit For : Next
ThisProcessId = oPrc.ParentProcessId
End With
End Function
28 times faster(!), not bad :)
You may use Sleep
from kernel32
instead of mshta
MsgBox GetProcId()
Function GetProcId()
With GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2:Win32_Process.Handle='" & CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("rundll32 kernel32,Sleep").ProcessId & "'")
GetProcId = .ParentProcessId
End With
End Function
Code taken from here.
Also there is parent process name detection based on this approach.
Here is a better one, but in JScript (sorry, you translate it to VB ...)
var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\.\\root\\cimv2");
var childProcess =
'"' + WshShell.Environment('PROCESS')('ComSpec') + '"'
" /C Echo \"Text lines\" && Set /p VarName="
var current_pid =
"Select * From Win32_Process Where ProcessId=" + childProcess.ProcessID
current_pid = (new Enumerator(current_pid)).item().ParentProcessId;
if (current_pid)
childProcess.StdIn.WriteLine("value"); // child process should now exit
WScript.Echo("Current PID: " + current_pid);
WScript.StdErr.WriteLine("Get current PID from WMI failed.");