Open Select using Javascript/jQuery?

后端 未结 13 1691
伪装坚强ぢ 2020-11-28 13:57

Is there a way to open a select box using Javascript (and jQuery)?


  • 2020-11-28 14:54

    Try this:

    dropDown = function (elementId) {
        var dropdown = document.getElementById(elementId);
        try {
        } catch(e) {
        return false;
    showDropdown = function (element) {
        var event;
        event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
        event.initMouseEvent('mousedown', true, true, window);

    Then call the function:

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  • 2020-11-28 14:54

    The mousedown event is raise before the click event :

    1. first mousedown raise -> set the width to 'auto' (if the state of the dropdown is 'close')
    2. click raise -> store in a var the state of the dropdown : 'open'
    3. We select a value, the second mousedown is raised : nothing to do
    4. click raise -> we need to restore the original width of the dropdown and change the state of the var to : 'close'

    The blur and change event are needed to close the dropdown if the user clicked outside the dropdown.

    Here the complete solution with Brendan's code :

    (function ($) {
    var open = {}
    $.fn.IELongDropDown = function (cln) {
        if (jQuery.browser.msie) { //only IE has problems with long select boxes
            var el = this;
            var id = el.attr('id');
            var margin = 2; //Need to set a margin however the arrow is cut
            var previousWidth = el.width() + margin;
            var divWrapper = "<div style='padding:0;margin:0;overflow:hidden;width:" + previousWidth + "px'></div>";
            var newWidth = el.width("auto").width();
            if (newWidth > previousWidth) {
                el.mousedown(function () {
                    if (!open[id]) {
       () {
                    if (!open[id])
                        open[id] = true;
                    else {
                        open[id] = false;
                        return el.width(previousWidth);
                el.blur(function () {
                    open[id] = false;
                    return el.width(previousWidth);
                el.change(function () {
                    open[id] = false;
                    return el.width(previousWidth);
        return this;

    Call the function :

    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
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  • 2020-11-28 14:54

    you can not open the select list but you can do it by changing the size of theselect list on click or any other event you want

            function bodyevent()
                console.log("size changed");
                //alert("txt  clicked from ");
                var $el = $("#drpdwn");
                var offset = $el.offset();
                var event = jQuery.Event( "mousedown", {
                    which: 1,
                    pageX: offset.left,
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  • 2020-11-28 14:56

    As an alternative you can use the select2 plugin and do the following:


    It worked perfectly for me in Firefox version 79.0

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  • 2020-11-28 14:57

    I know this is pretty old and answered, but this worked for me in Safari and iOS UIWebView - I have it hidden, but want it to show and open when a different button is clicked.

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