I need to get table data from table name from Linq DataContext.
Instead of this
var results = db.Authors;
I need to do something li
I am not sure if passing strings is an elegant solution. I would rather send the Type of entity as an argument to a method. Something on these lines :
var table = _dataCont.GetTable(typeof(Customer));
Here is the MSDN documentation.
I am not sure I'd suggest it as a GOOD solution, but if you really need it, you could do something like this:
MyDBContext db = new MyDBContext();
Type t = db.GetType();
PropertyInfo p = t.GetProperty("Authors");
var table = p.GetValue(db, null);
That will give you the Authors table, as pr. Table.
Given DataContext context
and string tableName
, you can just say:
var table = (ITable)context.GetType()
.GetValue(context, null);
If you know the type, you can cast it. From http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/f5e5f3c8-ac3a-49c7-8dd2-e248c8736ffd/using-variable-table-name-in-linq-syntax?forum=linqprojectgeneral
MyDataContext db = new MyDataContext();
Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
Type t = assembly.GetType("Namespace." + strTableName);
if (t != null)
var foos = db.GetTable(t);
foreach (var f in foos)
PropertyInfo pi = f.GetType().GetProperty("Foo");
int value = (int)pi.GetValue(f, null);