i have this:
$villes = \'\"paris\",\"fes\",\"rabat\"\';
$sql = \'SELECT distinct telecopie FROM `comptage_fax` WHERE `ville` IN(%s)\';
$query = $wpdb->
WordPress already has a function for this purpose, see esc_sql(). Here is the definition of this function:
Escapes data for use in a MySQL query. Usually you should prepare queries using wpdb::prepare(). Sometimes, spot-escaping is required or useful. One example is preparing an array for use in an IN clause.
You can use it like this:
$villes = ["paris", "fes", "rabat"];
$villes = array_map(function($v) {
return "'" . esc_sql($v) . "'";
}, $villes);
$villes = implode(',', $villes);
$query = "SELECT distinct telecopie FROM `comptage_fax` WHERE `ville` IN (" . $villes . ")"
The prepare function also takes an array
as the second parameter.
You can try converting $villes
like this:
$villes = '"paris","fes","rabat"';
Change it to
$villes = array("paris","fes","rabat");
Now, try passing $villes
to the prepare func and see if it works. Hope it helps.
function escape_array($arr){
global $wpdb;
$escaped = array();
foreach($arr as $k => $v){
$escaped[] = $wpdb->prepare('%d', $v);
$escaped[] = $wpdb->prepare('%s', $v);
return implode(',', $escaped);
$arr = array('foo', 'bar', 1, 2, 'foo"bar', "bar'foo");
$query = "SELECT values
FROM table
WHERE column NOT IN (" . escape_array($arr) . ")";
echo $query;
SELECT values
FROM table
WHERE column NOT IN ('foo','bar',1,2,'foo\"bar','bar\'foo')
May or may not be more efficient, however it is reusable.
Try this code (FIXED):
// Create an array of the values to use in the list
$villes = array("paris", "fes", "rabat");
// Generate the SQL statement.
// The number of %s items is based on the length of the $villes array
$sql = "
FROM `comptage_fax`
WHERE `ville` IN(".implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($villes), '%s')).")
// Call $wpdb->prepare passing the values of the array as separate arguments
$query = call_user_func_array(array($wpdb, 'prepare'), array_merge(array($sql), $villes));
echo $query;