I\'m trying to call a function from the cluster module, like so:
import sklearn
db = sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN()
and I get the following error
Problem was with scipy/numpy install. I'd been using the (normally excellent!) unofficial installers from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/. Uninstall/re-install from there made no difference, but installing with the official installers (linked from http://www.scipy.org/install.html) did the trick.
I am using anaconda
got the same error as the OP, when loading Orange, or PlotNine.
I can't recall when this start to happen.
Tracing the dependency of Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\scipy\special\_ufuncs.cp36-win32.pyd
, libifcoremd.dll
and libmmd.dll
are missing in DependencyWalk. Searching them in anaconda root directry, they are located in both ICC_RT and one version of MKL package.
Adding Anaconda3\pkgs\mkl-2017.0.3-0\Library\bin
to PATH, seems to fix SciPy and NumPy related DLL load failure, the above package starts to work again.
I still don't know how to fix this properly. Apparently the downside is that the MKL package could be updated and versions may change so does the path. In this aspect Its equally inconvenient as adding a non-managed package.
Reinstalling ICC_RT fixed the issue for me, libmmd.dll
and the related dlls are automatically copied into anaconda3/library/bin
afterwards, which is automatically added into PATH
by activate
command. All previous numpy/scipy related cant load DLL
errors are gone now.
Place this line on top of the python file
from sklearn import cluster
That should do it :))