I am facing an issue during deployment of a service in Tomcat 8. Getting following error :
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.Ser
Assuming this problem appears when you ran the application in Eclipse. Use Dependency Hierarchy view to search for servlet-api in pom.xm
The method getVirtualServerName
has been added in ServletContext in Servlet 3.1. See the java doc's method getVirtualServerName.
This problem has 3 primary causes:
Your servlet version is older than 3.1.
Some other jar has the servlet with a version older than 3.1.
Your tomcat version is older than 8
to solve it, you can try the below way.
I. Check your pom.xml for the code below.
if your pom.xml has the above code, it would still has that problem. you can do the second way.
II. to check your other jar has refer to the javax.servlet-api
jar. for example, the org.apache.santuario
has refer to the javax.servlet-api
jar. the pom.xml:
but when you look at the maven dependencies, it refer to the javax.servlet-api
jar whose version is 2.3 older than 3.1.
so you should exclude the 2.3 version. pom.xml:
<!-- exclude servlet-api 2.3 jar-->
<!-- servlet-api 3.1 version has getVirtualServerName() -->
III. spring boot run the default tomcat 7. so define your tomcat version 8 instead of tomcat 7. so add the code your pom.xml:
I had this error on IntelliJ with maven after updating IntelliJ.
I could run the tests with maven but not from my IDE.
I solved the problem by removing the ./idea
and project.iml
files and reloading the project.