let arr = [1,2,3];
function filter(num) {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if( num === 3 ) {
Here is a 2017 elegant solution using async/await :
Very straightforward usage:
const results = await filter(myArray, async num => {
await doAsyncStuff()
return num > 2
The helper function (copy this into your web page):
async function filter(arr, callback) {
const fail = Symbol()
return (await Promise.all( item => (await callback(item)) ? item : fail))).filter(i=>i!==fail)
// Async IIFE
(async function() {
const myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
// This is exactly what you'd expect to write
const results = await filter(myArray, async num => {
await doAsyncStuff()
return num > 2
// Arbitrary asynchronous function
function doAsyncStuff() {
return Promise.resolve()
// The helper function
async function filter(arr, callback) {
const fail = Symbol()
return (await Promise.all( item => (await callback(item)) ? item : fail))).filter(i=>i!==fail)
I'll even throw in a CodePen.
You can do something like this...
theArrayYouWantToFilter = await new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const tempArray = [];
theArrayYouWantToFilter.filter(async (element, index) => {
const someAsyncValue = await someAsyncFunction();
if (someAsyncValue) {
if (index === theArrayYouWantToFilter.length - 1) {
Wrapped within an async function...
async function filter(theArrayYouWantToFilter) {
theArrayYouWantToFilter = await new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const tempArray = [];
theArrayYouWantToFilter.filter(async (element, index) => {
const someAsyncValue = await someAsyncFunction();
if (someAsyncValue) {
if (index === theArrayYouWantToFilter.length - 1) {
return theArrayYouWantToFilter;
In case someone is interested in modern typescript solution (with fail symbol used for filtering):
const failSymbol = Symbol();
export async function filterAsync<T>(
itemsToFilter: T[],
filterFunction: (item: T) => Promise<boolean>,
): Promise<T[]> {
const itemsOrFailFlags = await Promise.all( (item) => {
const hasPassed = await filterFunction(item);
return hasPassed ? item : failSymbol;
return itemsOrFailFlags.filter(
(itemOrFailFlag) => itemOrFailFlag !== failSymbol,
) as T[];