I\'m doing the Angular2 5 minute quick start.
About half way through the tutorial now, I have the following files setup correctly:
OK finally got my 'basic' app to work.
First my problem was that npm start
was not compiling my typescript .ts
From this post, I found an answer here Cannot find external module 'angular2/angular2' - Angular2 w/ Typescript
I needed to run npm install -g tsd@latest
to update my TypeScript definition. Right after that I needed to update the TypeScript Definition (TSD) for Angular2 tsd install angular2
After this was done I was still getting errors from my boot.js file.
Instead of this import {AppComponent} from './app.component'
I needed to write it like this import {AppComponent} from '../app.component.js'
Now it works! https://github.com/leongaban/angular2quickstart
One annoying problem is that npm start
still isn't auto compiling the typescript files, so I still have to manually compile each .ts file by hand tsc app.component.ts --module system