I\'m trying to get the Map demos working, as provided in the Google API sample projects. I am using AVDs and have tried with versions 8, 10 and 11 and get the same issue.
There seem to be mulitple reasons for this happening. I've fixed it altering my project build target to api 10 (rclick on the project /Properties/Android) and then running on an emulator at api level 15 (albeit very, very slowly!).
Hello fellow developers,
I too experienced this issue and spent nearly half a day trying to figure out what was going on. Initially the map activity would not display at all and I was receiving an error stating, "Couldn't get connection factory client" which in turn created another error, "java.io.IOException: Server returned 3".
The cause of this is that Google have failed to communicate effectively to their development base that whilst in development, i.e. prior to signing and releasing your application, you must sign your application with a debug key which is used whilst testing. To do so, follow the method below replacing the [password] and [key password] with your own passwords.
From your .android directory, issue the following command:
keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore storepass [password] -keypass [key password]
Upon doing the above you will be pleased to receive your MD5 Certificate fingerprint which you can use to sign up for your Google maps API key. Replace your Google Maps API key in your project, do a Project Clean and re-run your applicat6ion. You should now be able to view your Google Map and be rid of your annoying errors.
How to obtain a Google Maps Android API Key