I have an array of random dates (not coming from MySQL). I need to group them by the week as Week1, Week2, and so on upto Week5.
What I have is this:
function weekOfMonth($strDate) {
$dateArray = explode("-", $strDate);
$date = new DateTime();
$date->setDate($dateArray[0], $dateArray[1], $dateArray[2]);
return floor((date_format($date, 'j') - 1) / 7) + 1;
weekOfMonth ('2015-09-17') // returns 3
// self::DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;
function getWeeksNumberOfMonth(): int
$currentDate = new \DateTime();
$dayNumberInMonth = (int) $currentDate->format('j');
$dayNumberInWeek = (int) $currentDate->format('N');
$dayNumberToLastSunday = $dayNumberInMonth - $dayNumberInWeek;
$daysCountInFirstWeek = $dayNumberToLastSunday % self::DAYS_IN_WEEK;
$weeksCountToLastSunday = ($dayNumberToLastSunday - $daysCountInFirstWeek) / self::DAYS_IN_WEEK;
$weeks = [];
array_push($weeks, $daysCountInFirstWeek);
for ($i = 0; $i < $weeksCountToLastSunday; $i++) {
array_push($weeks, self::DAYS_IN_WEEK);
array_push($weeks, $dayNumberInWeek);
if (array_sum($weeks) !== $dayNumberInMonth) {
throw new Exception('Logic is not valid');
return count($weeks);
Short variant:
(int) (new \DateTime())->format('W') - (int) (new \DateTime('first day of this month'))->format('W') + 1;
$date = new DateTime('first Monday of this month');
$thisMonth = $date->format('m');
$mondays_arr = [];
// Get all the Mondays in the current month and store in array
while ($date->format('m') === $thisMonth) {
//echo $date->format('Y-m-d'), "\n";
$mondays_arr[] = $date->format('d');
$date->modify('next Monday');
// Get the day of the week (1-7 from monday to sunday)
$day_of_week = date('N') - 1;
// Get the day of month (1 to 31)
$current_week_monday_date = date('j') - $day_of_week;
/*$day_of_week = date('N',mktime(0, 0, 0, 2, 11, 2020)) - 1;
$current_week_monday_date = date('j',mktime(0, 0, 0, 2, 11, 2020)) - $day_of_week;*/
$week_no = array_search($current_week_monday_date,$mondays_arr) + 1;
echo "Week No: ". $week_no;
My function. The main idea: we would count amount of weeks passed from the month's first date to current. And the current week number would be the next one. Works on rule: "Week starts from monday" (for sunday-based type we need to transform the increasing algorithm)
function GetWeekNumberOfMonth ($date){
echo $date -> format('d.m.Y');
//define current year, month and day in numeric
$_year = $date -> format('Y');
$_month = $date -> format('n');
$_day = $date -> format('j');
$_week = 0; //count of weeks passed
for ($i = 1; $i < $_day; $i++){
echo "\n\n-->";
$_newDate = mktime(0,0,1, $_month, $i, $_year);
echo "\n";
echo date("d.m.Y", $_newDate);
echo "-->";
echo date("N", $_newDate);
//on sunday increasing weeks passed count
if (date("N", $_newDate) == 7){
echo "New week";
$_week += 1;
return $_week + 1; // as we are counting only passed weeks the current one would be on one higher
$date = new DateTime("2019-04-08");
echo "\n\nResult: ". GetWeekNumberOfMonth($date);
I know this an old post but i have an idea!
$datetime0 = date_create("1970-01-01");
$datetime1 = date_create(date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,$m,"01",$Y)));
$datetime2 = date_create(date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,$m,$d,$Y)));
$interval1 = date_diff($datetime0, $datetime1);
$daysdiff1= $interval1->format('%a');
$interval2 = date_diff($datetime0, $datetime2);
$daysdiff2= $interval2->format('%a');
There is a many solutions but here is one my solution that working well in the most cases.
function current_week ($date = NULL) {
if($date) {
if(is_numeric($date) && ctype_digit($date) && strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$date)) === (int)$date)
$unix_timestamp = $date;
$unix_timestamp = strtotime($date);
} else $unix_timestamp = time();
return (ceil((date('d', $unix_timestamp) - date('w', $unix_timestamp) - 1) / 7) + 1);
It accept unix timestamp, normal date or return current week from the time()
if you not pass any value.