Does the \"for…in\" loop in Javascript loop through the hashtables/elements in the order they are declared? Is there a browser which doesn\'t do it in order?
The object
This does not answer the question per se, but offers a solution to the basic problem.
Assuming that you cannot rely on order to preserved, why not use an array of objects with key and value as properties?
var myArray = [
'key' : 'key1'
'value' : 0
'key' : 'key2',
'value' : 1
} // ...
Now, it is up to you to ensure that the keys are unique (assuming that this is also important to you. As well, direct addressing changes, and for ( now returns indexes as 'keys'.
> console.log(myArray[0].key);
> for (let index in myArray) {console.log(myArray[index].value);}
See the Pen for ( addressing in order by JDQ (@JDQ) on CodePen.
As stated by other answers, no, the order is not guaranteed.
If you want to iterate in order, you can do something like:
let keys = Object.keys(myObject);
for (let key of keys.sort()) {
let value = myObject[key];
// Do what you want with key and value
Note that performance-wise, this is not optimal, but that's the price when you want a nice alphabetical display.
The order cannot be trusted. Both Opera and Chrome return the list of properties unordered.
<script type="text/javascript">
var username = {"14719":"A","648":"B","15185":"C"};
for (var i in username) {
window.alert(i + ' => ' + username[i]);
The code above shows B, A, C in Opera and C, A, B in Chrome.
Bumping this a year later...
It is 2012 and the major browsers still differ:
function lineate(obj){
var arr = [], i;
for (i in obj) arr.push([i,obj[i]].join(':'));
var obj = { a:1, b:2, c:3, "123":'xyz' };
/* log1 */ lineate(obj);
obj.a = 4;
/* log2 */ lineate(obj);
delete obj.a;
obj.a = 4;
/* log3 */ lineate(obj);
gist or test in current browser
Safari 5, Firefox 14
["a:1", "b:2", "c:3", "123:xyz"]
["a:4", "b:2", "c:3", "123:xyz"]
["b:2", "c:3", "123:xyz", "a:4"]
Chrome 21, Opera 12, Node 0.6, Firefox 27
["123:xyz", "a:1", "b:2", "c:3"]
["123:xyz", "a:4", "b:2", "c:3"]
["123:xyz", "b:2", "c:3", "a:4"]
in IE6, the order is not guaranteed.
From the ECMAScript Language Specification, section 12.6.4 (on the for .. in
The mechanics of enumerating the properties is implementation dependent. The order of enumeration is defined by the object.
And section 4.3.3 (definition of "Object"):
It is an unordered collection of properties each of which contains a primitive value, object, or function. A function stored in a property of an object is called a method.
I guess that means you cant rely on the properties being enumerated in a consistent order across JavaScript implementations. (It would be bad style anyway to rely on implementation-specific details of a language.)
If you want your order defined, you will need to implement something that defines it, like an array of keys that you sort before accessing the object with it.