Recognize PDF table using R

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既然无缘 2020-11-28 11:27

I\'m trying to extract data from tables inside some pdf reports.

I\'ve seen some examples using either pdftools and similar packages I was successful in getting the

  • 2020-11-28 11:45

    I would love to know the answer to this as well. But from my experience, you need to use regular expressions to get the data in a format that you want. You can see the following as an example:

    dat <- pdftools::pdf_text("")
    dat <- paste0(dat, collapse = " ")
    pattern <- "Berufsfeuerwehr\\s+Straße(.)*02366.39258"
    extract <- regmatches(dat, regexpr(pattern, dat))
    extract <- gsub('\n', "  ", extract)
    strsplit(extract, "\\s{2,}")

    From here the data can then be looped to create the table as desired. But as you can see in the link, the PDF is not only a table.

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  • 2020-11-28 11:50

    Awsome question, I wondered about the same thing recently, thanks!

    I did it, with tabulizer ‘0.2.2’ as @hrbrmstr suggests too. If you are using R version 3.5.2, I'm providing following solution. Install the three packages in specific order:

    # install.packages("rJava")
    # library(rJava) # load and attach 'rJava' now
    # install.packages("devtools")
    # devtools::install_github("ropensci/tabulizer", args="--no-multiarch")

    Update: After just testing the approach again, it looks like it's enough to just do install.packages("tabulizer") now. rJava will be installed automatically as a dependency.

    Now you are ready to extract tables from your PDF reports.

    # specify an example and load it into your workspace
    report <- "" 
    lst <- extract_tables(report, encoding="UTF-8") 
    # peep into the doc for further specs (page, location etc.)!
    # after examing the list you want to do some tidying
    # 1st delete blank columns
    lst[[1]] <- lst[[1]][, -3]
    lst[[2]] <- lst[[2]][, -4]
    # 2nd bind the list elements, if you want and create a df...
    table <-, lst)
    table <-[c(2:37, 40:nrow(table)), ],
                           stringsAsFactors=FALSE) # ...w/o obsolete rows
    # 3rd take over colnames, cache rownames to vector
    colnames(table) <- table[1, ]
    rn <- table[2:71, 1]
    table <- table[-1,-1] # and bounce them out of the table
    # 4th I'm sure you want coerce to numeric 
    table <-[1:70,1:10], 2, 
                                 function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))
    rownames(table) <- rn # bring back rownames 
    table # voilà

    Hope it works for you.

    Limitations: Of course, the table in this example is quite simple and maybe you have to mess around with gsub and this kind of stuff.

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