I am getting an issue for running the following aggregate query:
db.snippets.aggregate([ { \'$project\': { month: { \'$month\': \'$created_at\' }} } ])
I had a related issue, but in my case the Date fields were the members of an array, so the error was "can't convert BSON type Object to Date".
I needed to get the day of week from the dates in the possibleTripDateTimes array.
Sample document:
"possibleTripDateTimes" : [
"tripDateTime" : ISODate("2015-08-01T06:00:00.000-0700")
The fix was simply to use dot notation to address the array member fields.
$project: {
departTime: {
$map: {
input: "$possibleTripDateTimes.tripDateTime",
as: "dateTime",
in: { $dayOfWeek: "$$dateTime" }
I hope this helps someone who also gets zero search results on the "BSON type Object" search
First, you need to check whether the data type is in ISODate. IF not you can change the data type as the following example.
db.collectionName.find().forEach(function(each_object_from_collection){each_object_from_collection.your_date_field=new ISODate(each_object_from_collection.your_date_field);db.collectionName.save(each_object_from_collection);})
Now you can find it in two ways
db.collectionName.find({ $expr: {$eq: [{ $year: "$your_date_field" }, 2017]}});
Or by aggregation
db.collectionName.aggregate([{$project: {field1_you_need_in_result: 1,field12_you_need_in_result: 1,your_year_variable: {$year: '$your_date_field'}, your_month_variable: {$month: '$your_date_field'}}},{$match: {your_year_variable:2017, your_month_variable: 3}}])