I am getting an issue for running the following aggregate query:
db.snippets.aggregate([ { \'$project\': { month: { \'$month\': \'$created_at\' }} } ])
I had the same problem, I figured that the date field is missing for some of the documents causing the conversion to fail. I just added a match clause to filter these out. But ofcourse i am investigating on my app side why they are not being populated.
'$match': {
'created_at': {
"$exists": true
'$project': {
month: {
'$month': '$created_at'
This error can also appear if you have incorrectly named your properties in your aggregation relative to what they are in your database.
For example my code was
$group: {
_id: {$week: "$projects.timeStamp"},
total: { $sum: "$projects.hours" }
But I hadn't camelcased timestamp in my database so simply modifying to projects.timestamp
fixed it.
I had a similar problem, and solved it checking if the date existed.
{$project:{day: { $cond: ["$bd", { $dayOfMonth: "$bd" }, -1] },
month: { $cond: ["$bd", { $month: "$bd" }, -1] },
year: { $cond: ["$bd", { $year: "$bd" }, -1] }
{$match:{"month":1, "day":15}}
My date field is bd
and with that match I'm getting all users that have their birthday on January 15th.
In some situations, some documents are supposed to have empty Date fields. In those cases, you could try this (using your example):
db.snippets.aggregate([ { '$project': { month:
{ $cond: [{ $ifNull: ['$created_at', 0] }, { $month: '$created_at' }, -1] }} } ])
In this example, we would get -1 in the cases whenever no field '$created_at' is found. For all the other cases, we would get the Date month.
try this one, its help for me above problem.
'$project': {
month: { $substr: ["$created_at", 5, 2] }
above code get month wise
data is entered into the database in ISO format which can then be easily worked with.
You likely have one or more docs with a created_at
value that's not a BSON Date
and you'll need to fix that by converting those values to Date
or removing them.
You can find those docs with a $not
query that uses the $type operator like:
db.snippets.find({created_at: {$not: {$type: 9}}})
If the created_at
values are date strings, you can find the docs that need updating and then update them in the shell using code like:
db.snippets.find({created_at: {$not: {$type: 9}}}).forEach(function(doc) {
// Convert created_at to a Date
doc.created_at = new Date(doc.created_at);