I have the following string in a variable.
Stack Overflow is as frictionless and painless to use as we could make it.
I want to fetch first 28 characte
Problems can arise if your string has html tags,   and multiple spaces. Here is what I use that takes care of everything:
function LimitText($string,$limit,$remove_html=0){
if ($remove_html==1){$string=strip_tags($string);}
$newstring = preg_replace("/(?:\s| )+/"," ",$string, -1); // replace   with space
$newstring = preg_replace(array('/\s{2,}/','/[\t\n]/'),' ',$newstring); // replace duplicate spaces
if (strlen($newstring)<=$limit) { return $newstring; } // ensure length is more than $limit
$newstring = substr($newstring,0,strrpos(substr($newstring,0,$limit),' '));
return $newstring;
$string = 'My wife is jealous of stackoverflow';
echo LimitText($string,20);
// My wife is jealous
usage with html:
$string = '<div><p>My wife is jealous of stackoverflow</p></div>';
echo LimitText($string,20,1);
// My wife is jealous
This is the easiest way:
$title = "this is the title of my website!";
$number_of_characters = 15;
echo substr($title, 0, strrpos(substr($title, 0, $number_of_characters), " "));
This is the simplest solution I know of...
substr($string,0,strrpos(substr($string,0,28),' ')).'...';
$string='Stack Overflow is as frictionless and painless to use as we could make it.';
$break=strpos(wordwrap($string, $n,'<<||>>'),'<<||>>');
print substr($string,0,($break==0?strlen($string):$break)).(strlen($string)>$n?'...':'');
$string='Stack Overflow';
$break=strpos(wordwrap($string, $n,'<<||>>'),'<<||>>');
print substr($string,0,($break==0?strlen($string):$break)).(strlen($string)>$n?'...':'');
function truncate( $string, $limit, $break=" ", $pad="...") {
// return with no change if string is shorter than $limit
if(strlen($string) <= $limit){
return $string;
$string = substr($string, 0, $limit);
if(false !== ($breakpoint = strrpos($string, $break))){
$string = substr($string, 0, $breakpoint);
return $string . $pad;
This's Working for me Perfect
function WordLimt($Keyword,$WordLimit){
if (strlen($Keyword)<=$WordLimit) { return $Keyword; }
$Keyword= substr($Keyword,0,strrpos(substr($Keyword,0,$WordLimit),' '));
return $Keyword;
echo WordLimt($MyWords,28);
// OutPut : Stack Overflow is as
it will adjust and break on last Space without cut word...