I want to do a tail -F on a file until matching a pattern. I found a way using awk, but IMHO my command is not really clean. The problem is that I need to d
I've not results with the solution:
sh -c 'tail -n +0 -f /tmp/foo | { sed "/EOF/ q" && kill $$ ;}'
There is some issue related with the buffer because if there aren't more lines appended to the file, then sed will not read the input. So, with a little more research i came up with this:
sed '/EOF/q' <(tail -n 0 -f /tmp/foo)
The script is in https://gist.github.com/2377029
tail -f <filename> | grep -q "<pattern>"
Here's an extended version of Jon's solution which uses sed instead of grep so that the output of tail goes to stdout:
sed -r '/EOF/q' <( exec tail -n +0 -f /tmp/foo ); kill $! 2> /dev/null
This works because sed gets created before tail so $! holds the PID of tail
The main advantage of this over the sh -c solutions is that killing a sh seems to print something to the output such as 'Terminated' which is unwelcome
ready to use for tomcat =
sh -c 'tail -f --pid=$$ catalina.out | { grep -i -m 1 "Server startup in" && kill $$ ;}'
for above scenario :
sh -c 'tail -f --pid=$$ /tmp/foo | { grep -i -m 1 EOF && kill $$ ;}'
To kill the dangling tail
process as well you may execute the tail
command in a (Bash) process substituion context which can later be killed as if it had been a backgrounded process. (Code taken from How to read one line from 'tail -f' through a pipeline, and then terminate?).
: > /tmp/foo
grep -m 1 EOF <( exec tail -f /tmp/foo ); kill $! 2> /dev/null
echo EOF > /tmp/foo # terminal window 2
As an alternative you could use a named pipe.
: > /tmp/foo
rm -f pidfifo
mkfifo pidfifo
sh -c '(tail -n +0 -f /tmp/foo & echo $! > pidfifo) |
{ sed "/EOF/ q" && kill $(cat pidfifo) && kill $$ ;}'
echo EOF > /tmp/foo # terminal window 2
This is something Tcl is quite good at. If the following is "tail_until.tcl",
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
proc main {filename pattern} {
set pipe [open "| tail -n +0 -F $filename"]
set pid [pid $pipe]
fileevent $pipe readable [list handler $pipe $pattern]
vwait ::until_found
catch {exec kill $pid}
proc handler {pipe pattern} {
if {[gets $pipe line] == -1} {
if {[eof $pipe]} {
set ::until_found 1
} else {
puts $line
if {[string first $pattern $line] != -1} {
set ::until_found 1
main {*}$argv
Then you'd do tail_until.tcl /tmp/foo EOF