I\'m trying to do event delegation in vanilla JS. I have a button inside a container like this
Newer browsers support .matches:
this.container.addEventListener('click', function(e){
if (e.target.matches('#game-again,#game-again *')) {
You can get the unprefixed version with
var matches = document.body.matchesSelector || document.body.webkitMatchesSelector || document.body.mozMatchesSelector || document.body.msMatchesSelector || document.body.webkitMatchesSelector
And then use .apply
for more browsers (Still IE9+).
Assuming you have to support older browsers, you can walk up the DOM:
function hasInParents(el,id){
if(el.id === id) return true; // the element
if(el.parentNode) return hasInParents(el.parentNode,id); // a parent
return false; // not the element nor its parents
However, this will climb the whole dom, and you want to stop at the delegation target:
function hasInParentsUntil(el,id,limit){
if(el.id === id) return true; // the element
if(el === limit) return false;
if(element.parentNode) return hasInParents(el.parentNode,id); // a parent
return false; // not the element nor its parents
Which, would make your code:
this.container.addEventListener('click', function(e){
if (hasInParentsUntil(e.target,'game-again',container)) { // container should be
e.stopPropagation(); // available for this
Alternate Solution:
MDN: Pointer events
Add a class to all nested child elements (.pointer-none
.pointer-none {
pointer-events: none;
Your mark-up becomes
<div id="quiz">
<button id="game-again" class="game-again">
<span class="icon-spinner icon pointer-none"></span>
<span class="pointer-none">Go again</span>
With the pointer set to none, the click event wouldn't fire on those elements.