hi all i have mp3 files in sd card. how to get file path of mp3 song from sd card.
please assist me.
As some people indicated, the officially accepted answer does not quite return the external removable SD card. And i ran upon the following thread that proposes a method I've tested on some Android devices and seems to work reliably, so i thought of re-sharing here as i don't see it in the other responses:
Kudos to paresh996 for coming up with the answer itself, and i can attest I've tried on Samsung S7 and S7edge and seems to work.
Now, i needed a method that returned a valid path where to read files, and that considered the fact that there might not be an external SD, in which case the internal storage should be returned, so i modified the code from paresh996 to this :
File getStoragePath() {
String removableStoragePath;
File fileList[] = new File("/storage/").listFiles();
for (File file : fileList) {
if(!file.getAbsolutePath().equalsIgnoreCase(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath()) && file.isDirectory() && file.canRead()) {
return file;
return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();