hi all i have mp3 files in sd card. how to get file path of mp3 song from sd card.
please assist me.
You can get the path of sdcard from this code:
File extStore = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
Then specify the foldername and file name
for e.g:
There are different Names of SD-Cards.
This Code check every possible Name (I don't guarantee that these are all names but the most are included)
It prefers the main storage.
private String SDPath() {
String sdcardpath = "";
if (new File("/data/sdext4/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext4/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "/data/sdext4/";
if (new File("/data/sdext3/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext3/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "/data/sdext3/";
if (new File("/data/sdext2/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext2/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "/data/sdext2/";
if (new File("/data/sdext1/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext1/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "/data/sdext1/";
if (new File("/data/sdext/").exists() && new File("/data/sdext/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "/data/sdext/";
if (new File("mnt/sdcard/external_sd/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard/external_sd/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard/external_sd/";
if (new File("mnt/extsdcard/").exists() && new File("mnt/extsdcard/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "mnt/extsdcard/";
if (new File("mnt/external_sd/").exists() && new File("mnt/external_sd/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "mnt/external_sd/";
if (new File("mnt/emmc/").exists() && new File("mnt/emmc/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "mnt/emmc/";
if (new File("mnt/sdcard0/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard0/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard0/";
if (new File("mnt/sdcard1/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard1/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard1/";
if (new File("mnt/sdcard/").exists() && new File("mnt/sdcard/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "mnt/sdcard/";
if (new File("/storage/removable/sdcard1/").exists() && new File("/storage/removable/sdcard1/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "/storage/removable/sdcard1/";
if (new File("/storage/external_SD/").exists() && new File("/storage/external_SD/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "/storage/external_SD/";
if (new File("/storage/ext_sd/").exists() && new File("/storage/ext_sd/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "/storage/ext_sd/";
if (new File("/storage/sdcard1/").exists() && new File("/storage/sdcard1/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "/storage/sdcard1/";
if (new File("/storage/sdcard0/").exists() && new File("/storage/sdcard0/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "/storage/sdcard0/";
if (new File("/storage/sdcard/").exists() && new File("/storage/sdcard/").canRead()){
sdcardpath = "/storage/sdcard/";
if (sdcardpath.contentEquals("")){
sdcardpath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
Log.v("SDFinder","Path: " + sdcardpath);
return sdcardpath;
maybe you are having the same problem i had, my tablet has a SD card on it, in /mnt/sdcard and the sd card external was in /mnt/extcard, you can look it on the android file manager, going to your sd card and see the path to it.
Hope it helps.
this code helps to get it easily............
Actually in some devices external sdcard default name is showing as extSdCard and for other it is sdcard1. This code snippet helps to find out that exact path and helps to retrive you the path of external device..
String sdpath,sd1path,usbdiskpath,sd0path;
if(new File("/storage/extSdCard/").exists())
Log.i("Sd Cardext Path",sdpath);
if(new File("/storage/sdcard1/").exists())
Log.i("Sd Card1 Path",sd1path);
if(new File("/storage/usbcard1/").exists())
Log.i("USB Path",usbdiskpath);
if(new File("/storage/sdcard0/").exists())
Log.i("Sd Card0 Path",sd0path);
By using the following code you can find name, path, size as like this all kind of information of all audio song files
String[] STAR = { "*" };
Uri allaudiosong = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
String audioselection = MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_MUSIC + " != 0";
Cursor cursor;
cursor = managedQuery(allaudiosong, STAR, audioselection, null, null);
if (cursor != null) {
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
do {
String song_name = cursor
System.out.println("Audio Song Name= "+song_name);
int song_id = cursor.getInt(cursor
System.out.println("Audio Song ID= "+song_id);
String fullpath = cursor.getString(cursor
System.out.println("Audio Song FullPath= "+fullpath);
String album_name = cursor.getString(cursor
System.out.println("Audio Album Name= "+album_name);
int album_id = cursor.getInt(cursor
System.out.println("Audio Album Id= "+album_id);
String artist_name = cursor.getString(cursor
System.out.println("Audio Artist Name= "+artist_name);
int artist_id = cursor.getInt(cursor
System.out.println("Audio Artist ID= "+artist_id);
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
will NOT return path to micro SD card Storage.
how to get file path from sd card in android
By sd card, I am assuming that, you meant removable micro SD card.
In API level 19 i.e. in Android version 4.4 Kitkat, they have added File[] getExternalFilesDirs (String type)
in Context
Class that allows apps to store data/files in micro SD cards.
Android 4.4 is the first release of the platform that has actually allowed apps to use SD cards for storage. Any access to SD cards before API level 19 was through private, unsupported APIs.
was there from API level 1
getExternalFilesDirs(String type) returns absolute paths to application-specific directories on all shared/external storage devices. It means, it will return paths to both internal and external memory. Generally, second returned path would be the storage path for microSD card (if any).
But note that,
Shared storage may not always be available, since removable media can be ejected by the user. Media state can be checked using
.There is no security enforced with these files. For example, any application holding
can write to these files.
The Internal and External Storage terminology according to Google/official Android docs is quite different from what we think.