If you need it for knowing someone's age for trivial reasons then Timespan is OK but if you need for calculating superannuation, long term deposits or anything else for financial, scientific or legal purposes then I'm afraid Timespan won't be accurate enough because Timespan assumes that every year has the same number of days, same # of hours and same # of seconds).
In reality the length of some years will vary (for different reasons that are outside the scope of this answer). To get around Timespan's limitation then you can mimic what Excel does which is:
public int GetDifferenceInYears(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
//Excel documentation says "COMPLETE calendar years in between dates"
int years = endDate.Year - startDate.Year;
if (startDate.Month == endDate.Month &&// if the start month and the end month are the same
endDate.Day < startDate.Day// AND the end day is less than the start day
|| endDate.Month < startDate.Month)// OR if the end month is less than the start month
return years;