I have a .NET Windows Service which spawns a thread that basically just acts as an HttpListener
. This is working fine in synchronous mode example...
If you're here from the future and trying to handle multiple concurrent requests with a single thread using async/await..
public async Task Listen(string prefix, int maxConcurrentRequests, CancellationToken token)
HttpListener listener = new HttpListener();
var requests = new HashSet<Task>();
for(int i=0; i < maxConcurrentRequests; i++)
while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
Task t = await Task.WhenAny(requests);
if (t is Task<HttpListenerContext>)
var context = (t as Task<HttpListenerContext>).Result;
public async Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpListenerContext context)
...do stuff...
If you need a more simple alternative to BeginGetContext, you can merely queue jobs in ThreadPool, instead of executing them on the main thread. Like such:
private void CreateLListener() {
while(true) {
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(Process, listener.GetContext());
void Process(object o) {
var context = o as HttpListenerContext;
// process request and make response
You need to use the async method to be able to process multiple requests. So you would use e BeginGetContext
and EndGetContext
Have a look here.
The synchronous model is appropriate if your application should block while waiting for a client request and if you want to process only one *request at a time*. Using the synchronous model, call the GetContext method, which waits for a client to send a request. The method returns an HttpListenerContext object to you for processing when one occurs.