I found this excellent tutorial on regular expressions and while I intuitively understand what \"greedy\", \"reluctant\" and \"possessive\" quantifiers do, there seems to be
Here is my take using Cell and Index positions (See the diagram here to distinguish a Cell from an Index).
Greedy - Match as much as possible to the greedy quantifier and the entire regex. If there is no match, backtrack on the greedy quantifier.
Input String: xfooxxxxxxfoo
Regex: .*foo
The above Regex has two parts:
(i)'.*' and
Each of the steps below will analyze the two parts. Additional comments for a match to 'Pass' or 'Fail' is explained within braces.
Step 1:
(i) .* = xfooxxxxxxfoo - PASS ('.*' is a greedy quantifier and will use the entire Input String)
(ii) foo = No character left to match after index 13 - FAIL
Match failed.
Step 2:
(i) .* = xfooxxxxxxfo - PASS (Backtracking on the greedy quantifier '.*')
(ii) foo = o - FAIL
Match failed.
Step 3:
(i) .* = xfooxxxxxxf - PASS (Backtracking on the greedy quantifier '.*')
(ii) foo = oo - FAIL
Match failed.
Step 4:
(i) .* = xfooxxxxxx - PASS (Backtracking on the greedy quantifier '.*')
(ii) foo = foo - PASS
Report MATCH
Result: 1 match(es)
I found the text "xfooxxxxxxfoo" starting at index 0 and ending at index 13.
Reluctant - Match as little as possible to the reluctant quantifier and match the entire regex. if there is no match, add characters to the reluctant quantifier.
Input String: xfooxxxxxxfoo
Regex: .*?foo
The above regex has two parts:
(i) '.*?' and
(ii) 'foo'
Step 1:
.*? = '' (blank) - PASS (Match as little as possible to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Index 0 having '' is a match.)
foo = xfo - FAIL (Cell 0,1,2 - i.e index between 0 and 3)
Match failed.
Step 2:
.*? = x - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 0 having 'x' is a match.)
foo = foo - PASS
Report MATCH
Step 3:
.*? = '' (blank) - PASS (Match as little as possible to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Index 4 having '' is a match.)
foo = xxx - FAIL (Cell 4,5,6 - i.e index between 4 and 7)
Match failed.
Step 4:
.*? = x - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 4.)
foo = xxx - FAIL (Cell 5,6,7 - i.e index between 5 and 8)
Match failed.
Step 5:
.*? = xx - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 4 thru 5.)
foo = xxx - FAIL (Cell 6,7,8 - i.e index between 6 and 9)
Match failed.
Step 6:
.*? = xxx - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 4 thru 6.)
foo = xxx - FAIL (Cell 7,8,9 - i.e index between 7 and 10)
Match failed.
Step 7:
.*? = xxxx - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 4 thru 7.)
foo = xxf - FAIL (Cell 8,9,10 - i.e index between 8 and 11)
Match failed.
Step 8:
.*? = xxxxx - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 4 thru 8.)
foo = xfo - FAIL (Cell 9,10,11 - i.e index between 9 and 12)
Match failed.
Step 9:
.*? = xxxxxx - PASS (Add characters to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Cell 4 thru 9.)
foo = foo - PASS (Cell 10,11,12 - i.e index between 10 and 13)
Report MATCH
Step 10:
.*? = '' (blank) - PASS (Match as little as possible to the reluctant quantifier '.*?'. Index 13 is blank.)
foo = No character left to match - FAIL (There is nothing after index 13 to match)
Match failed.
Result: 2 match(es)
I found the text "xfoo" starting at index 0 and ending at index 4.
I found the text "xxxxxxfoo" starting at index 4 and ending at index 13.
Possessive - Match as much as possible to the possessive quantifer and match the entire regex. Do NOT backtrack.
Input String: xfooxxxxxxfoo
Regex: .*+foo
The above regex has two parts: '.*+' and 'foo'.
Step 1:
.*+ = xfooxxxxxxfoo - PASS (Match as much as possible to the possessive quantifier '.*')
foo = No character left to match - FAIL (Nothing to match after index 13)
Match failed.
Note: Backtracking is not allowed.
Result: 0 match(es)