How do I fix the error below?
Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.
This MySQL library worked for me:
sudo apt-get install php5-mysqlnd-ms
If people are using shared Linux hosting with cPanel (Godaddy, Reseller club, Hostgator or any Shared Hosting), try the following:
Under Software and Services tab -> Select PHP Version -> PHP Selectors | Extentions
Tick all MySQL related extensions, save it and you are done. Please check the attached image.
If you have Wordfence plugin installed I found commenting out the suPHP_ConfigPath lines in the .htaccess file brought the website back to life:
# Wordfence WAF
#<IfModule mod_suphp.c>
# suPHP_ConfigPath '/home/a1614947/public_html'
I've reported this to Wordfence too.
Check the
extension_dir =
remove it if it is there. that should fix the problem.
in the end i found a solution First, make sure MySQL server is running. Type the following command at a shell prompt:
/etc/init.d/mysql status
If MySQL is not running, enter:
/etc/init.d/mysql start
If MySQL is not installed, type the following command to install MySQL server:
apt-get install mysql-server
Make sure MySQL module for php5 is installed:
dpkg --list | grep php5-mysql
To install php5-mysql module enter:
apt-get install php5-mysql
Next, restart the Apache2 web server:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
In my case, using CPanel PHP selector and selecting the mysqli and mysqlnd worked. Ensure to save and recheck once