Showing Recent Messages:-1: mkdir -p /Users/spritzindia/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Contigo-atftiouzrdopcmcpprphpilawwzm/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
Remove a space in fileName
Xcode -> File -> Workspace Setting... -> change Build System to Legacy Build System.
Thats it. Have Fun
I have a project in React Native
and suddenly this error appeared. I was doing some shit with homebrew beforehand and this solved the issue for me:
brew update
brew upgrade
brew cleanup
For me, I was removing Crashlytics, Fabric and FirebaseCrashlytics. So there was a script (Run Script) for Fabric. So since app was running that first and I had removed the framework already, I was getting this error. So I removed the Run Script tab for Fabrics and then it worked perfectly fine.
For Xcode 11, React Native development environment. I usually have this problem when a dependency is not updated.
You can try following these steps, this usually works for me:
1- Delete your Podfile.lock (I like to use the command '-rm -rf Podfile.lock' on the terminal for this)
2- Delete your Pods folder (I like to use the command '-rm -rf Pods' in the terminal for this)
3- Delete your .xcworkspace
4- Pod install
5- Clear your project into XCode> Product> Clean Build Folder
What helped for me was: In Targets -> Signing & Capabilities > Uncheck Automatically manage signing (or check and uncheck if it was unchecked ) > build project