Export a MySQL Database to SQLite Database

前端 未结 7 1330
太阳男子 2020-11-28 08:33

Please help me with exporting a MySQL database into a SQLite database.

  • 2020-11-28 08:46

    Personally I like the simple usage of mysqldump, yet some adjustments are need (depending on your art with Unix and what you want to do).

    Ex. for just one table (prods) with PK:

    $ mysqldump mysql prods -u ME -pPASS  --compatible ansi --compact |grep -v "^\/\*" |sqlite3 testme2.db
    $ mysqldump mysql prods -u ME -pPASS  --compatible ansi --compact |grep -v "^\/\*" |sqlite3 testme2.db
        Error: near line 1: table "prods" already exists
        Error: near line 7: UNIQUE constraint failed: prods.id, prods.ts
    $ sqlite3 testme2.db '.schema'
        CREATE TABLE "prods" (
          "id" varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
          "ts" int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
          "val" double DEFAULT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY ("id","ts")

    For more complex things, probably better to write a wrapper, or then, use the already mentioned fantastic awk Linux shell script on Gist .

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  • 2020-11-28 08:47

    I manualy created the table structure in sqlite database.

    Than I uploaded the data with teh following command:

    mysqldump -u root {database} {table} --no-create-info --skip-extended-insert  --complete-insert --skip-add-locks  --compatible=ansi | sed "s/\\\'/''/g" |sqlite3 flora.db

    I had to use sed to fix a different apex encoding in the two databases

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  • 2020-11-28 08:52

    There's a fantastic Linux shell script on Github that converts Mysql to an Sqlite3 file. You need both mysqldump and sqlite3 installed on your server. Works great.

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  • 2020-11-28 08:55

    export the data with

      mysqldump database > database.sql

    and import the data with

      sqlite3 database < database.sql

    you may need -u (user) and -p (password) options

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  • 2020-11-28 09:07

    mysql2sqlite.sh mentioned in the top post doesn't cope well with PRIMARY KEY lines, it doesn't write the trailing ) to complete the CREATE statement.

    This is what I did. I ran the mysql dump as:

    mysqldump --skip-create-options --compatible=ansi --skip-extended-insert --compact --single-transaction -h<host> -u<user> -p<passwd> <database name> > localdb.txt

    I then used grep to remove PRIMARY KEY and KEY:

    cat localdb.txt | grep -v "PRIMARY KEY' | grep -v KEY > localdb.txt.1

    I then used an editor to fix the file. When the keys are removed you end up with a CREATE statement that looks like:

    CREATE ...

    That trailing , has to be removed. In vi this expression matches them, ,$\n)

    Then you need to change all \' to ''

    Then you can do the import:

    sqlite3 local.sqlite3 < localdb.txt.1

    And that's it. I haven't found a single program that worked for me. I hope this helps someone.

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  • 2020-11-28 09:10

    The answer by @user2111698 edited by @quassy works as promised. Since I do this frequently I put their instructions into a bash script:

    # dump the mysql database to a txt file
    mysqldump \
      --skip-create-options \
      --compatible=ansi \
      --skip-extended-insert \
      --compact \
      --single-transaction \
      -h$mysql_host \
      -u$mysql_user \
      -p $mysql_dbname \
      > /tmp/localdb.txt
    # remove lines mentioning "PRIMARY KEY" or "KEY"
    cat /tmp/localdb.txt \
      | grep -v "PRIMARY KEY" \
      | grep -v KEY \
      > /tmp/localdb.txt.1
    # mysqldump leaves trailing commas before closing parentheses  
    perl -0pe 's/,\n\)/\)/g' /tmp/localdb.txt.1 > /tmp/localdb.txt.2
    # change all \' to ''
    sed -e 's/\\'\''/'\'''\''/g' /tmp/localdb.txt.2 > /tmp/localdb.txt.3
    if [ -e $sqlite3_dbname ]; then
        mv $sqlite3_dbname $sqlite3_dbname.bak
    sqlite3 $sqlite3_dbname < /tmp/localdb.txt.3

    A gist with detailed comments can be found at https://gist.github.com/grfiv/b79ace3656113bcfbd9b7c7da8e9ae8d

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