I need to calculate a JS date given year=2014 and month=9 (September 2014).
I tried this:
var moment = require(\'moment\');
var startDate = moment( y
That's because endOf mutates the original value.
Relevant quote:
Mutates the original moment by setting it to the end of a unit of time.
Here's an example function that gives you the output you want:
function getMonthDateRange(year, month) {
var moment = require('moment');
// month in moment is 0 based, so 9 is actually october, subtract 1 to compensate
// array is 'year', 'month', 'day', etc
var startDate = moment([year, month - 1]);
// Clone the value before .endOf()
var endDate = moment(startDate).endOf('month');
// just for demonstration:
// make sure to call toDate() for plain JavaScript date type
return { start: startDate, end: endDate };
const year = 2014;
const month = 09;
// months start at index 0 in momentjs, so we subtract 1
const startDate = moment([year, month - 1, 01]).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
// get the number of days for this month
const daysInMonth = moment(startDate).daysInMonth();
// we are adding the days in this month to the start date (minus the first day)
const endDate = moment(startDate).add(daysInMonth - 1, 'days').format("YYYY-MM-DD");
console.log(`start date: ${startDate}`);
console.log(`end date: ${endDate}`);
const dates = getDatesFromDateRange("2014-05-02", "2018-05-12", "YYYY/MM/DD", 1);
// you get the whole from-to date ranges as per parameters
var onlyStartDates = dates.map(dateObj => dateObj["to"]);
// moreover, if you want only from dates then you can grab by "map" function
function getDatesFromDateRange( startDate, endDate, format, counter ) {
startDate = moment(startDate, format);
endDate = moment(endDate, format);
let dates = [];
let fromDate = startDate.clone();
let toDate = fromDate.clone().add(counter, "month").startOf("month").add(-1, "day");
do {
"from": fromDate.format(format),
"to": ( toDate < endDate ) ? toDate.format(format) : endDate.format(format)
fromDate = moment(toDate, format).add(1, "day").clone();
toDate = fromDate.clone().add(counter, "month").startOf("month").add(-1, "day");
} while ( fromDate < endDate );
return dates;
Please note, .clone() is essential in momentjs else it'll override the value. It seems in your case.
It's more generic, to get bunch of dates that fall between dates.
var d = new moment();
var startMonth = d.clone().startOf('month');
var endMonth = d.clone().endOf('month');
console.log(startMonth, endMonth);
Try the following code:
const moment=require('moment');