Could you please explain why Spring is creating two objects for the configuration of beans shown below, since by default spring default scope is singleton?
The Sprin
The following example shows a @Bean annotated method being called twice:
public class AppConfig {
public ClientService clientService1() {
ClientServiceImpl clientService = new ClientServiceImpl();
return clientService;
public ClientService clientService2() {
ClientServiceImpl clientService = new ClientServiceImpl();
return clientService;
public ClientDao clientDao() {
return new ClientDaoImpl();
clientDao() has been called once in clientService1() and once in clientService2(). Since this method creates a new instance of ClientDaoImpl and returns it, you would normally expect having 2 instances (one for each service). That definitely would be problematic: in Spring, instantiated beans have a singleton scope by default. This is where the magic comes in: All @Configuration classes are subclassed at startup-time with CGLIB. In the subclass, the child method checks the container first for any cached (scoped) beans before it calls the parent method and creates a new instance. Note that as of Spring 3.2, it is no longer necessary to add CGLIB to your classpath because CGLIB classes have been repackaged under org.springframework.cglib and included directly within the spring-core JAR.
Spring default scope is singleton and it will create one object for all instances unless you explicitly specify the scope to be prototype. You have not posted spring configuration. Please post it, it will give a better idea.