Given numbers like 499, 73433, 2348 what VBA can I use to round to the nearest 5 or 10? or an arbitrary number?
By 5:
499 -> 500
2348 -> 2350
something like that?
n = 5
'n = 10
v = 496
'v = 499
'v = 2348
'v = 7343
m = (v \ n) * n
'diff between mod and the val
i = v-m
if i >= (n/2) then
msgbox m+n
msgbox m
end if
To round to the nearest X (without being VBA specific)
N = X * int(N / X + 0.5)
Where int(...) returns the next lowest whole number.
If your available rounding function already rounds to the nearest whole number then omit the addition of 0.5
Here is our solution:
Public Enum RoundingDirection
End Enum
Public Shared Function GetRoundedNumber(ByVal number As Decimal, ByVal multiplier As Decimal, ByVal direction As RoundingDirection) As Decimal
Dim nearestValue As Decimal = (CInt(number / multiplier) * multiplier)
Select Case direction
Case RoundingDirection.Nearest
Return nearestValue
Case RoundingDirection.Up
If nearestValue >= number Then
Return nearestValue
Return nearestValue + multiplier
End If
Case RoundingDirection.Down
If nearestValue <= number Then
Return nearestValue
Return nearestValue - multiplier
End If
End Select
End Function
dim decTotal as Decimal = GetRoundedNumber(CDec(499), CDec(0.05), RoundingDirection.Up)
It's simple math. Given a number X and a rounding factor N, the formula would be:
round(X / N)*N
'Example: Round 499 to nearest 5. You would use the ROUND() FUNCTION.
a = inputbox("number to be rounded")
b = inputbox("Round to nearest _______ ")
strc = Round(A/B)
strd = strc*B
msgbox( a & ", Rounded to the nearest " & b & ", is" & vbnewline & strd)
Integrated Answer
X = 1234 'number to round
N = 5 'rounding factor
round(X/N)*N 'result is 1235
For floating point to integer, 1234.564 to 1235, (this is VB specific, most other languages simply truncate) do:
int(1234.564) 'result is 1235
Beware: VB uses Bankers Rounding, to the nearest even number, which can be surprising if you're not aware of it:
msgbox round(1.5) 'result to 2
msgbox round(2.5) 'yes, result to 2 too
Thank you everyone.