I am using native base for making app in react-native. I am new to both things. When I run the app It gives me this error:
Here is my code:
Just kill all node process and start npm server and run application:
Step1: run command killall -9 node
For windows users, run:
taskkill /im node.exe
taskkill /f /im node.exe
if the process still persists.
Step2: run command npm start --reset-cache
Step3: run command react-native run-ios
OR react-native run-android
1.Close Emülator
2.npm start -- --reset-cache
3.XCode -> Product -> Clean Build Folder
4.npx react-native run-ios
Closing the current Metro Bundler and restarting by resetting the cache worked for me
npm start -- --reset-cache
simply run below command.
react-native start --reset-cache
Need to replace
.setJSMainModulePath("index") with .setJSMainModulePath("index.android")
In my case, I didn't import a module in a component that I was using it in.
So, just check if you are importing the module you want to use...