I am banging my head against the wall here trying to figure out why IntelliJ/Android is reporting \"Empty test suite\". I have a small project with two IntelliJ Modules (\"
My issue was caused by an exception being thrown in the @BeforeClass
method of my test case. It some how wasn't causing the test to fail - I only found it by inspecting the logcat output.
I fixed the exception and suddenly my tests were running!
The accepted answer didn't solve my problem. So I decided to copy ExampleInstrumentedTest
which is created by default in Android Studio and runs without any problems, renamed it during the copy process (no Refactor->Rename after copying!) and pasted the contents of my unit test into it. After that the error disappeared.
I don't know if it helps for Android Studio, but I had some kind of Intellij-Gradle conflict. Solved it by "right-clicking" on the test-file and hit "compile file ...Test.java". After that I could run single tests again.
I had tests that were running fine until gradle
and android studio got upgraded.
Apart from adding a default constructor to your tests, you might need to do some of these things to get your test suite to work
Under src/
create androidTest/java/<your-package-name>/test
. Note the androidTest
. Anything else including instrumentTest
will not work.
Add this to build.gradle
sourceSets {
testLocal {
java.srcDir file('src/androidTest/java')
resources.srcDir file('src/androidTest/resources')
sourceSets {
testLocalCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'
task localTest(type: Test, dependsOn: assemble) {
testClassesDir = sourceSets.testLocal.output.classesDir
android.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs.each { dir ->
def buildDir = dir.getAbsolutePath().split('/')
buildDir = (buildDir[0..(buildDir.length - 4)] + ['build', 'classes', 'debug']).join('/')
sourceSets.testLocal.compileClasspath += files(buildDir)
sourceSets.testLocal.runtimeClasspath += files(buildDir)
classpath = sourceSets.testLocal.runtimeClasspath
check.dependsOn localTest
Add this to the AndroidManifest.xml
android:label="Tests for my packaged app"
android:targetPackage="<my-package-name>.test" />
I just renamed the file and the problem fixed.
I was doing some insertions in a db in the @BeforeClass method. I realised I had an object/database mapping problem. This data mapping problem was the cause of this issue for me.