I have a Qt GUI application running on Windows that allows command-line options to be passed and under some circumstances I want to output a message to the console and then
No way to output a message to console when using QT += gui
fprintf(stderr, ...)
also can't print output.
Use QMessageBox
instead to show the message.
It may have been an oversight of other answers, or perhaps it is a requirement of the user to indeed need console output, but the obvious answer to me is to create a secondary window that can be shown or hidden (with a checkbox or button) that shows all messages by appending lines of text to a text box widget and use that as a console?
The benefits of such a solution are:
Hope this gives you food for thought, although I am not in any way yet qualified to postulate on how you should do this, I can imagine it is something very achievable by any one of us with a little searching / reading!
Make sure Qt5Core.dll is in the same directory with your application executable.
I had a similar issue in Qt5 with a console application: if I start the application from Qt Creator, the output text is visible, if I open cmd.exe and start the same application there, no output is visible. Very strange!
I solved it by copying Qt5Core.dll to the directory with the application executable.
Here is my tiny console application:
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int x=343;
QString str("Hello World");
qDebug()<< str << x<<"lalalaa";
QTextStream out(stdout);
out << "aldfjals alsdfajs...";
One solution is to run powershell and redirect the output to whatever stream you want.
Below is an example of running powershell from cmd.exe and redirecting my_exec.exe output to both the console and an output.txt file:
powershell ".\my_exec.exe | tee output.txt"
First of all you can try flushing the buffer
std::cout << "Hello, world!"<<std::endl;
For more Qt based logging you can try using qDebug.