Checking if a pointer is allocated memory or not

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-11-28 07:30

Can we check whether a pointer passed to a function is allocated with memory or not in C?

I have wriiten my own function in C which accepts a character pointer -

  • 2020-11-28 07:56

    I once used a dirty hack on my 64bit Solaris. In 64bit mode the heap starts at 0x1 0000 0000. By comparing the pointer I could determine if it was a pointer in the data or code segment p < (void*)0x100000000, a pointer in the heap p > (void*)0x100000000 or a pointer in a memory mapped region (intptr_t)p < 0 (mmap returns addresses from the top of the addressable area). This allowed in my program to hold allocated and memory mapped pointers in the same map, and have my map module free the correct pointers.

    But this kind of trick is highly unportable and if your code relies on something like that, it is time to rethink the architecture of your code. You're probably doing something wrong.

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  • 2020-11-28 07:57

    I always initialize pointers to null value. Therefore when I allocate memory it will change. When I check if memory's been allocated I do pointer != NULL. When I deallocate memory I also set pointer to null. I can't think of any way to tell if there was enough memory allocated.

    This doesn't solve your problem, but you got to trust that if someone writes C programs then he is skilled enough to do it right.

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  • 2020-11-28 07:57

    As everyone else said, there isn't a standard way to do it.

    So far, no-one else has mentioned 'Writing Solid Code' by Steve Maguire. Although castigated in some quarters, the book has chapters on the subject of memory management, and discusses how, with care and complete control over all memory allocation in the program, you can do as you ask and determine whether a pointer you are given is a valid pointer to dynamically allocated memory. However, if you plan to use third party libraries, you will find that few of them allow you to change the memory allocation routines to your own, which greatly complicates such analysis.

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  • 2020-11-28 07:59

    No, in general there is no way to do this.

    Furthermore, if your interface is just "pass a pointer to a buffer where I will put stuff", then the caller may choose not to allocate memory at all, and instead use a fixed size buffer that's statically allocated or an automatic variable or something. Or perhaps it's a pointer into a portion of a larger object on the heap.

    If your interface specifically says "pass a pointer to allocated memory (because I'm going to deallocate it)", then you should expect that the caller will do so. Failure to do so isn't something you can reliably detect.

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  • 2020-11-28 07:59

    An uninitialised pointer is exactly that - uninitialised. It may point to anything or simply be an invalid address (i.e. one not mapped to physical or virtual memory).

    A practical solution is to have a validity signature in the objects pointed to. Create a malloc() wrapper that allocates the requested block size plus the sizeof a signature structure, creates a signature structure at the start of the block but returns the pointer to the location after the signature. You can then create a validation function that takes the pointer, uses a negative offset to get the validity structure and checks it. You will of course need a corresponding free() wrapper to invalidate the block by overwriting the validity signature, and to perform the free from the true start of the allocated block.

    As a validity structure, you might use the size of the block and its one's complement. That way you not only have a way of validating the block (XOR the two values and compare to zero), but you also have information about the block size.

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  • 2020-11-28 08:00

    You cannot check, except some implementation specific hacks.

    Pointers have no information with them other than where they point. The best you can do is say "I know how this particular compiler version allocates memory, so I'll dereference memory, move the pointer back 4 bytes, check the size, makes sure it matches..." and so on. You cannot do it in a standard fashion, since memory allocation is implementation defined. Not to mention they might have not dynamically allocated it at all.

    You just have to assume your client knows how to program in C. The only un-solution I can think of would be to allocate the memory yourself and return it, but that's hardly a small change. (It's a larger design change.)

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