Checking if a pointer is allocated memory or not

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-11-28 07:30

Can we check whether a pointer passed to a function is allocated with memory or not in C?

I have wriiten my own function in C which accepts a character pointer -

  • 2020-11-28 07:40

    One hack you can try is checking if your pointer points to stack allocated memory. This will not help you in general as the allocated buffer might be to small or the pointer points to some global memory section (.bss, .const, ...).

    To perform this hack, you first store the address of the first variable in main(). Later, you can compare this address with the address of a local variable in your specific routine. All addresses between both addresses are located on the stack.

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  • 2020-11-28 07:41

    Well, I don't know if somebody didn't put it here already or if it will be a possibility in your programme. I was struggling with similar thing in my university project.

    I solved it quite simply - In initialization part of main() , after I declared LIST *ptr, I just put that ptr=NULL. Like this -

    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    LIST *ptr;

    So when allocation fails or your pointer isn't allocated at all, it will be NULL. SO you can simply test it with if.

    if (ptr==NULL) {
    } else {

    I don't know how your programme is written, but you surely understand what am I trying to point out. If it is possible to check like this your allocation and then pass your arguments to you function, you could have a simple solution.

    Of course you must be careful to have your functions with allocating and creating the structure done well but where in C you don't have to be careful.

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  • 2020-11-28 07:42

    I don't know a way of doing it from a library call, but on Linux, you can look at /proc/<pid>/numa_maps. It will show all sections of memory and the third column will say "heap" or "stack". You can look at the raw pointer value to see where it lines up.


    00400000 prefer:0 file=/usr/bin/bash mapped=163 mapmax=9 N0=3 N1=160
    006dc000 prefer:0 file=/usr/bin/bash anon=1 dirty=1 N0=1
    006dd000 prefer:0 file=/usr/bin/bash anon=9 dirty=9 N0=3 N1=6
    006e6000 prefer:0 anon=6 dirty=6 N0=2 N1=4
    01167000 prefer:0 heap anon=122 dirty=122 N0=25 N1=97
    7f39904d2000 prefer:0 anon=1 dirty=1 N0=1
    7f39904d3000 prefer:0 file=/usr/lib64/ anon=1 dirty=1 N0=1
    7f39904d4000 prefer:0 file=/usr/lib64/ anon=1 dirty=1 N1=1
    7f39904d5000 prefer:0 anon=1 dirty=1 N0=1
    7fffc2d6a000 prefer:0 stack anon=6 dirty=6 N0=3 N1=3
    7fffc2dfe000 prefer:0

    So pointers that are above 0x01167000 but below 0x7f39904d2000 are located in the heap.

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  • 2020-11-28 07:45

    For a platform-specific solution, you may be interested in the Win32 function IsBadReadPtr (and others like it). This function will be able to (almost) predict whether you will get a segmentation fault when reading from a particular chunk of memory.

    However, this does not protect you in the general case, because the operating system knows nothing of the C runtime heap manager, and if a caller passes in a buffer that isn't as large as you expect, then the rest of the heap block will continue to be readable from an OS perspective.

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  • 2020-11-28 07:52

    I know this is an old question, but almost anything is possible in C. There are a few hackish solutions here already, but a valid way of determining if memory has been properly allocated is to use an oracle to take the place of malloc, calloc, realloc, and free. This is the same way testing frameworks (such as cmocka) can detect memory problems (seg faults, not freeing memory, etc.). You can maintain a list of memory addresses allocated as they are allocated and simply check this list when the user wants to use your function. I implemented something very similar for my own testing framework. Some example code:

    typedef struct memory_ref {
        void       *ptr;
        int        bytes;
        memory_ref *next;
    memory_ref *HEAD = NULL;
    void *__wrap_malloc(size_t bytes) {
        if(HEAD == NULL) {
            HEAD = __real_malloc(sizeof(memory_ref));
        void *tmpPtr = __real_malloc(bytes);
        memory_ref *previousRef = HEAD;
        memory_ref *currentRef = HEAD->next;
        while(current != NULL) {
            previousRef = currentRef;
            currentRef = currentRef->next;
        memory_ref *newRef = (memory_ref *)__real_malloc(sizeof(memory_ref));
        *newRef = (memory_ref){
            .ptr   = tmpPtr,
            .bytes = bytes,
            .next  = NULL
        previousRef->next = newRef;
        return tmpPtr;

    You would have similar functions for calloc, realloc, and free, each wrapper prefixed with __wrap_. The real malloc is available through the use of __real_malloc (similar for the other functions you are wrapping). Whenever you want to check if memory is actually allocated, simply iterate over the linked memory_ref list and look for the memory address. If you find it and it's big enough, you know for certain the memory address won't crash your program; otherwise, return an error. In the header file your program uses, you would add these lines:

    extern void *__real_malloc  (size_t);
    extern void *__wrap_malloc  (size_t);
    extern void *__real_realloc (size_t);
    extern void *__wrap_realloc (size_t);
    // Declare all the other functions that will be wrapped...

    My needs were fairly simple so I implemented a very basic implementation, but you can imagine how this could be extended to have a better tracking system (e.g. create a struct that keeps track of the memory location in addition to the size). Then you simply compile the code with

    gcc src_files -o dest_file -Wl,-wrap,malloc -Wl,-wrap,calloc -Wl,-wrap,realloc -Wl,-wrap,free

    The disadvantage is the user has to compile their source code with the above directives; however, it's far from the worse I have seen. There is some overhead to allocating and freeing memory, but there is always some overhead when adding security.

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  • 2020-11-28 07:54

    There is almost never "never" in computers. Cross platform is way over anticipated. After 25 years I have worked on hundreds of projects all anticipating cross platform and it never materialized.

    Obviously, a variable on the stack, would point to an area on the stack, which is almost linear. Cross platform garbage collectors work, by marking the top or (bottom) of the stack, calling a little function to check if the stack grows upwards or downwards and then checking the stack pointer to know how big the stack is. This is your range. I don't know a machine that doesn't implement a stack this way (either growing up or down.)

    You simply check if the address of our object or pointer sits between the top and bottom of the stack. This is how you would know if it is a stack variable.

    Too simple. Hey, is it correct c++? No. Is correct important? In 25 years I have seen way more estimation of correct. Well, let's put it this way: If you are hacking, you aren't doing real programming, you are probably just regurigating something that's already been done.

    How interesting is that?

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