I have been doing debugging on Android using my Nexus 4, however I recently encountered this error here. After doing some research on this error, it seems to be an issue wit
This worked for me:
adb shell rm -rf /system/app/<package.name>
A solution for non-rooted device. Go to the Application manager and uninstall the app called "Selendroid" and retry again. This solution works for me.
adb shell
go to the shell.
Then run the command follow:
rm -rf /data/data/package name
please repleace package name with your own, such as com.map.map
I do have root on my Nexus 5, but nothing worked, so I had to run a factory reset from the settings which worked.
You probably introduced an SharedUserID which causes this.
I met the similar problem. The reson is that you didn't uninstall all component of the app.My solution is: deleting /data/data/com.eg.android.AlipayGphone manually.
work well for me.
I hope it is helpful for u!