I\'m trying to get my linq statement to get me all records between two dates, and I\'m not quite sure what I need to change to get it to work: (a.Start >= startDate
public List<tbltask> gettaskssdata(int? c, int? userid, string a, string StartDate, string EndDate, int? ProjectID, int? statusid)
List<tbltask> tbtask = new List<tbltask>();
DateTime sdate = (StartDate != "") ? Convert.ToDateTime(StartDate).Date : new DateTime();
DateTime edate = (EndDate != "") ? Convert.ToDateTime(EndDate).Date : new DateTime();
tbtask = entity.tbltasks.Include(x => x.tblproject).Include(x => x.tbUser).
Where(x => x.tblproject.company_id == c
&& (ProjectID == 0 || ProjectID == x.tblproject.ProjectId)
&& (statusid == 0 || statusid == x.tblstatu.StatusId)
&& (a == "" || (x.TaskName.Contains(a) || x.tbUser.User_name.Contains(a)))
&& ((StartDate == "" && EndDate == "") || ((x.StartDate >= sdate && x.EndDate <= edate)))).ToList();
return tbtask;
this my query for search records based on searchdata and between start to end date
If you have date interval filter condition and you need to select all records which falls partly into this filter range. Assumption: records has ValidFrom and ValidTo property.
DateTime intervalDateFrom = new DateTime(1990, 01, 01);
DateTime intervalDateTo = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01);
var itemsFiltered = allItems.Where(x=>
(x.ValidFrom >= intervalDateFrom && x.ValidFrom <= intervalDateTo) ||
(x.ValidTo >= intervalDateFrom && x.ValidTo <= intervalDateTo) ||
(intervalDateFrom >= x.ValidFrom && intervalDateFrom <= x.ValidTo) ||
(intervalDateTo >= x.ValidFrom && intervalDateTo <= x.ValidTo)
So you are scrolling down because the Answers do not work:
This works like magic (but they say it has efficiency issues for big data, And you do not care just like me)
1- Data Type in Database is "datetime" and "nullable" in my case.
Example data format in DB is like:
2018-11-06 15:33:43.640
An in C# when converted to string is like:
2019-01-03 4:45:16 PM
So the format is :
yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt
2- So you need to prepare your datetime variables in the proper format first:
Example 1
yourDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss tt")
Example 2 - Datetime range for the last 30 days
DateTime dateStart = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30);
DateTime dateEnd = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).AddTicks(-1);
3- Finally the linq query you lost your day trying to find (Requires EF 6)
using System.Data.Entity;
_dbContext.Shipments.Where(s => (DbFunctions.TruncateTime(s.Created_at.Value) >= dateStart && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(s.Created_at.Value) <= dateEnd)).Count();
To take time comparison into account as well :
(DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.Created_at.Value.Year, s.Created_at.Value.Month, s.Created_at.Value.Day, s.Created_at.Value.Hour, s.Created_at.Value.Minute, s.Created_at.Value.Second) >= dateStart && DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.Created_at.Value.Year, s.Created_at.Value.Month, s.Created_at.Value.Day, s.Created_at.Value.Hour, s.Created_at.Value.Minute, s.Created_at.Value.Second) <= dateEnd)
Note the following method mentioned on other stackoverflow questions and answers will not work correctly:
s.Created_at.Value.Day >= dateStart.Day && s.Created_at.Value.Day <= dateEnd.Day &&
s.Created_at.Value.Month >= dateStart.Month && s.Created_at.Value.Month <= dateEnd.Month &&
s.Created_at.Value.Year >= dateStart.Year && s.Created_at.Value.Year <= dateEnd.Year
if the start day was in this month for example and the end day is on the next month, the query will return false and no results, for example:
DatabaseCreatedAtItemThatWeWant = 2018/12/05
startDate = 2018/12/01
EndDate = 2019/01/04
the query will always search for days between 01 and 04 without taking the "month" into account, so "s.Created_at.Value.Day <= dateEnd.Day" will fail
And in case you have really big data you would execute Native SQL Query rather than linq
... where Shipments.Created_at BETWEEN CAST(@Created_at_from as datetime) AND CAST(@Created_at_to as datetime))
If someone interested to know how to work with 2 list and between dates
var newList = firstList.Where(s => secondList.Any(secL => s.Start > secL.RangeFrom && s.End < secL.RangeTo))
I had a problem getting this to work.
I had two dates in a db line and I need to add them to a list for yesterday, today and tomorrow.
this is my solution:
var yesterday = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);
var today = DateTime.Today;
var tomorrow = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
var vm = new Model()
Yesterday = _context.Table.Where(x => x.From <= yesterday && x.To >= yesterday).ToList(),
Today = _context.Table.Where(x => x.From <= today & x.To >= today).ToList(),
Tomorrow = _context.Table.Where(x => x.From <= tomorrow & x.To >= tomorrow).ToList()
Just change it to
var appointmentNoShow = from a in appointments
from p in properties
from c in clients
where a.Id == p.OID &&
(a.Start.Date >= startDate.Date && a.Start.Date <= endDate)