I\'m trying to write a Bash script that will SSH into a machine and create a directory. The long-term goal is a bit more complicated, but for now I\'m starting simple. Howev
Your script is doing substitution on the local host before being sent over.
Change your first line to:
ssh -T tunneluser@111.222.333.444 <<'EOI'
This will cause the raw script to get sent over and interpreted on your remote host.
If you wanted a mix (so for example, if you wanted the date
command executed on your local host, you should leave ssh line unchanged and quote the individual command):
ssh -T tunneluser@111.222.333.444 <<EOI
# Execute the date command on the local machine. The assignment still
# happens on the remote machine
NOW=$(date +"%F")
# Quote your $ so that the replacement happens on the remote machine
echo \$NOW
NOW=`date +"%F"`
The shell on the local host is doing variable substitution on $NOW and $BACKUP because the "EOI" isn't escaped. Replace
ssh tunneluser@111.222.333.444 <<EOI
ssh tunneluser@111.222.333.444 <<\EOI
The variables are being evaluated in the script on the local machine. You need to subsitute the dollar signs with escaped dollar signs.
ssh -T tunneluser@111.222.333.444 <<EOI
# Fix "TERM environment variable undefined" error.
export TERM
# Store todays date.
NOW=\$(date +"%F")
echo \$NOW
# Store backup path.
[ ! -d \$BACKUP ] && mkdir -p \${BACKUP}
echo \$BACKUP
Script execution over SSH without copying script file. You need a simple SSH connexion and a local script.
print_usage() {
echo -e "`basename $0` ssh_connexion local_script"
echo -e "Remote executes local_script on ssh server"
echo -e "For convinient use, use ssh public key for remote connexion"
exit 0
[ $# -eq "2" ] && [ $1 != "-h" ] && [ $1 != "--help" ] || print_usage
INTERPRETER=$(head -n 1 $2 | sed -e 's/#!//')
cat $2 | grep -v "#" | ssh -t $1 $INTERPRETER
This script performs this operations: 1° catches first line #! to get interpreter (i.e: Perl, Python, Ruby, Bash interpreter), 2° starts remote interpeter over SSH, 3° send all the script body over SSH.
Local script must start with #!/path/to/interpreter - #!/bin/sh for Bash script - #!/usr/bin/perl for Perl script - #!/usr/bin/python for Python script - #!/usr/bin/ruby for Ruby script
This script is not based on local script extension but on #! information.