Any way to get a bounding box from a three.js Object3D?

前端 未结 4 1058
情话喂你 2020-11-28 06:42

I\'m loading an OBJ file using Three.js and OBJLoader.js. This returns a Three.Object3D object, which has what you\'d expect from a 3D model (position vector, up vector...)

  • 2020-11-28 07:20

    Yes you would need something like this:

    if (object instanceof THREE.Object3D)
        object.traverse (function (mesh)
            if (mesh instanceof THREE.Mesh)
                mesh.geometry.computeBoundingBox ();
                var bBox = mesh.geometry.boundingBox;
                // compute overall bbox
                minX = Math.min (minX, bBox.min.x);
                minY = Math.min (minY, bBox.min.y);
                minZ = Math.min (minZ, bBox.min.z);
                maxX = Math.max (maxX, bBox.max.x);
                maxY = Math.max (maxY, bBox.max.y);
                maxZ = Math.max (maxZ, bBox.max.z);
        var bBox_min = new THREE.Vector3 (minX, minY, minZ);
        var bBox_max = new THREE.Vector3 (maxX, maxY, maxZ);
        var bBox_new = new THREE.Box3 (bBox_min, bBox_max);
        scene.add (object);


    This method is before the BoundingBoxHelper() or BoxHelper() were available

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  • 2020-11-28 07:27

    You don't need to iterate over all children of the object; there's a method in the library to do this: THREE.Box3#setFromObject: see the docs. For example, you can do:

    var bbox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(obj);

    to get the bounding box of obj, including all of its children, and accounting for any translations, rotations, etc.

    Note that the BoundingBox helper is intended to draw a bounding box in the scene, not for just calculating the bounding box of some object.

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  • 2020-11-28 07:36

    For any shape, on its geometry object, there is a boundingBox property. This property holds a THREE.Box3 object. This Box3 object consists of two THREE.Vector3 objects, min and max.

    var geometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(...);
    var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial(...);
    var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
    var boundingBox = mesh.geometry.boundingBox.clone();
    alert('bounding box coordinates: ' + 
        '(' + boundingBox.min.x + ', ' + boundingBox.min.y + ', ' + boundingBox.min.z + '), ' + 
        '(' + boundingBox.max.x + ', ' + boundingBox.max.y + ', ' + boundingBox.max.z + ')' );

    For more complex shapes, like those loaded from JSON Object files, the bounding box property is undefined by default. It must be computed explicitly.

    var loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader();
    loader.load(imagePath, function(object){
        geometry = object.children[0].children[0].geometry;  // substitute the path to your geometry
        geometry.computeBoundingBox();  // otherwise geometry.boundingBox will be undefined
        var boundingBox = geometry.boundingBox.clone();
        alert('bounding box coordinates: ' + 
            '(' + boundingBox.min.x + ', ' + boundingBox.min.y + ', ' + boundingBox.min.z + '), ' + 
            '(' + boundingBox.max.x + ', ' + boundingBox.max.y + ', ' + boundingBox.max.z + ')' );
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-28 07:39

    If you want the bounding box position and size as the object appears in the scene, try the BoundingBoxHelper:

    var helper = new THREE.BoundingBoxHelper(someObject3D, 0xff0000);
    // If you want a visible bounding box
    // If you just want the numbers

    The .boundingBox on the geometry doesn't account for translations, rotations, or scaling that may be applied to the parent mesh and etc. and I found it very difficult to adjust for that manually, but the helper does it for you.

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