I have a ListActivity
that implements onListItemClick()
and calls a doSomething()
function of the class. The latter contains l.s
I found that sometimes setSelection will not work because I set attribute "android:height" of listView to "wrap_content".
And the times my App won't work is that when listView become scrollable from non-scrollable.
For example, if my app is "File Browser App". When my list is less than, let's say 6, then it's non-scrollable. Now I return to the parent directory, and it has 11 objects, and I want to set selection to some position, and it won't work here.
to\from | Scrollable | non-Scrollable
Scrollable | O | O( of course )
non-Scrollable | X | O( of course )
I don't want to use post(Runnable), because there will has delay.
You can try to set "android:height" to "match_parent"
God, it spends three days.
When use post to setSelection()
, the ListView
will see first , then scroll to the position , thank to "魏經軒", then layout actually will effect the setSelection()
, because setSelection()
call the setSelectionFromTop(int position, int y)
, there is another way to solve it.
In my case smoothScrollToPosition(int position) worked, can you also tell me how to set that scrolled position into center of the list. It appeared at the bottom of visible items.
If you use an Adapter for your ListView add this code to your adapter:
public class MyAdapter extends
ArrayAdapter<MyClass> {
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
if (convertView == null) {
LayoutInflater inflator = (LayoutInflater) getContext()
rowView = inflator.inflate(R.layout.my_adapter, null);
} else {
rowView = (View) convertView;
// set selected item
LinearLayout ActiveItem = (LinearLayout) rowView;
if (position == selectedItem)
// for focus on it
int top = (ActiveItem == null) ? 0 : ActiveItem.getTop();
((ListView) parent).setSelectionFromTop(position, top);
private int selectedItem;
public void setSelectedItem(int position) {
selectedItem = position;
In your Activity:
For me the solution to this problem was:
For me calling
and then
solved the issue.
if you do that in a runnable it works without calling requestFocusFromTouch(), but the old position of the ListView is showen for a sekound.