I would like to see if a particular string exists in a particular column within my dataframe.
I\'m getting the error
ValueError: The truth v
it seems that the OP meant to find out whether the string 'Mel' exists in a particular column, not contained in a column, therefore the use of contains is not needed, and is not efficient. A simple equals-to is enough:
Pandas seem to be recommending df.to_numpy since
the other methods still raise a FutureWarning
: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.to_numpy.html#pandas.DataFrame.to_numpy
So, an alternative that would work int this case is:
c = b.to_numpy().tolist()
if 'Mel' in c:
print("Mel is in the dataframe column Names")
will return an indicator vector of boolean values of size len(BabyDataSet)
Therefore, you can use
if mel_count>0:
print ("There are {m} Mels".format(m=mel_count))
Or any()
, if you don't care how many records match your query
if a['Names'].str.contains('Mel').any():
print ("Mel is there")
You should use any()
In [98]: a['Names'].str.contains('Mel').any()
Out[98]: True
In [99]: if a['Names'].str.contains('Mel').any():
....: print "Mel is there"
Mel is there
gives you a series of bool values
In [100]: a['Names'].str.contains('Mel')
0 False
1 False
2 False
3 False
4 True
Name: Names, dtype: bool
You should check the value of your line of code like adding checking length of it.
print("Name Present")
If there is any chance that you will need to search for empty strings,
will NOT work, as it will always return True.
Instead, use
if '' in a["Names"].values
to accurately reflect whether or not a string is in a Series, including the edge case of searching for an empty string.