I\'ve read this post here. But still I cannot run code containing Java 8 Stream API features like the following on minSdkVersion < 24.
List new
Create a İnterface.
public interface Pre<T,R> {
R get(T item);
Create a Filter Method.
public static <T> List<T> Filter(List<T> list, Pre<T,Boolean> pre) {
return list.stream().filter(p -> pre.get(p)).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<T> col = new ArrayList<T>();
for (int i = 0 ; i < list.size() ; i++)
if (pre.get(list.get(i)))
return col;
Using Code
public static class model {
public String Name;
List<model> models = new ArrayList<>();
List<model> filtermodels = Filter(models,p-> p.Name.equals("filter"));
Yes, it is! Starting from AGP 4.0.0 we can use Stream API and some other Java 8+ APIs (e.g. java.time
Minimal required changes to your app's build.gradle:
android {
compileOptions {
// Flag to enable support for the new language APIs
coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true
dependencies {
coreLibraryDesugaring 'com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs:1.0.9'
Might be a little late to the party, but I just saw that If we use java8.util.stream.StreamSupport
then we can run the same functional programming approach and use it prior to Api 24. Eg taken from web3j -
.map(log -> extractEventParameters(event, log))
Another solution I like to use is to statically use Kotlin's extensions over Collections from Java code, if the project supports both of course:
List<Car> newCars = CollectionsKt.filter(cars, s -> s.getColor().equals("red"));
Same for .map
, .reduce
, .first
, ...etc
[original answer]
You can not use Java8 streams on API level < 24.
However, there are some libraries that backport some of the stream functionality
https://sourceforge.net/projects/streamsupport/ (mentioned by @sartorius in comment)
[update k3b 2019-05-23]
https://github.com/retrostreams/android-retrostreams is a spinoff from streamsupport which takes advantage of Android Studio 3.x D8 / desugar toolchain's capability to use interface default & static methods across Jar file boundaries. There are also links to other android-retroXXX ie for CompletableFuture.
[update aeracode 2020-07-24]
Good news, now we can use Java 8 Stream API and more without requiring a minimum API level.
Since release 8.2 of DexGuard it is possible to use the Java 8 streams API also on Android devices < API level 24. In order to do so, one needs to include the streamsupport library and DexGuard will translate all Java 8 stream API calls to the provided library. No additional handling is needed, and developers can simply code using the provided Java 8 streams API. Dependencies are also translated automatically, so it is possible to use libraries with Java 8 features also for Android development.
This feature will also be included in ProGuard in the near future, stay tuned.
Edit: Proguard 6.1.0 for which there already exists a beta version supports backporting Java 8 stream and time API.