docker unauthorized: authentication required - upon push with successful login

前端 未结 24 3191
隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-11-28 06:21

While pushing the docker image (after successful login) from my host I am getting \"unauthorized: authentication required\".

Details below.


  • 2020-11-28 06:51

    OK! never mind; I found the solution. with 403 Suspected that the HTTP is not going to the right URL.

    Change the file which has the login credentials stored the ~/.docker/config.json from the default generated of

            "auths": {
                    "": {
                            "auth": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                            "email": ""

    to - Note the change from -> That is the change.

            "auths": {
                    "": {
                            "auth": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                            "email": ""

    Hope that helps.

    Note that the auth field should be 'username:password" base64 encoded. for example: "username:password" base64 encoded is "dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ="

    so your file would contain:

    "auth": "dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ="
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  • 2020-11-28 06:51

    If you are pushing a new private image for the first time, make sure your subscription supports this extra image.

    Docker allows you to have 6 private images named, even if you only pay for 5, but not to push that 6th image. The lack of an informative message is confusing and irritating.

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  • 2020-11-28 06:53

    The solution you posted is not working for me...

    This is what works for me:

    1. Create the repository with the desired name.

    2. When committing the image, name the image like the repository, including the username <dockerusername>/desired-name. For example, radu/desired-name.

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  • 2020-11-28 06:54

    The problem newbies face is that we tend to treat docker hub repository just like a maven repository and think that it might contain many a different files, folders and other contents.

    A docker repository on the other hand is just a single image, it does not contain anything else. It can hold different versions of the same image, but its going to contain just one image.

    So, name your repository on docker hub the same name as the image you want to push into it, and use your dockerhub username as prefix. For eg, if your username is myusername and your image name is docker-whale , make sure to name your dockerhub repository as docker-whale and use the below commands to tag and push your image to repository:

    docker logout                                   # to make sure you're logged out and not cause any clashes
    docker tag <imageId> myusername/docker-whale    # use :1.0.0 for specific version, default is 'latest'
    docker login --username=myusername              # use the username/pwd to login to docker hub
    docker push myusername/docker-whale             # use :1.0.0 for pushing specific version, default is 'latest'
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  • 2020-11-28 06:57

    if you are using heroku, be sure you did not forget to "heroku container:login" before pushing.

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  • 2020-11-28 06:59

    Though the standard process is to login and then push to docker registry, trick to get over this particular problem is to login by providing username and password in same line.

    So :

    docker login -u xxx -p yyy 
    docker push



    docker login 
    username : xxx
    password : yyy
    Login Succeeded
    docker push


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