Does Java have any functionality to generate random characters or strings? Or must one simply pick a random integer and convert that integer\'s ascii code to a character?
You could also use the RandomStringUtils from the Apache Commons project:
polygenelubricants' answer is also a good solution if you only want to generate Hex values:
/** A list of all valid hexadecimal characters. */
private static char[] HEX_VALUES = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
/** Random number generator to be used to create random chars. */
private static Random RANDOM = new SecureRandom();
* Creates a number of random hexadecimal characters.
* @param nValues the amount of characters to generate
* @return an array containing <code>nValues</code> hex chars
public static char[] createRandomHexValues(int nValues) {
char[] ret = new char[nValues];
for (int i = 0; i < nValues; i++) {
ret[i] = HEX_VALUES[RANDOM.nextInt(HEX_VALUES.length)];
return ret;
I use this:
char uppercaseChar = (char) ((int)(Math.random()*100)%26+65);
char lowercaseChar = (char) ((int)(Math.random()*1000)%26+97);
using dollar:
Iterable<Character> chars = $('a', 'z'); // 'a', 'b', c, d .. z
given chars
you can build a "shuffled" range of characters:
Iterable<Character> shuffledChars = $('a', 'z').shuffle();
then taking the first n
chars, you get a random string of length n
. The final code is simply:
public String randomString(int n) {
return $('a', 'z').shuffle().slice(n).toString();
NB: the condition n > 0
is cheched by slice
as Steve correctly pointed out, randomString
uses at most once each letter. As workaround
you can repeat the alphabet m
times before call shuffle
public String randomStringWithRepetitions(int n) {
return $('a', 'z').repeat(10).shuffle().slice(n).toString();
or just provide your alphabet as String
public String randomStringFromAlphabet(String alphabet, int n) {
return $(alphabet).shuffle().slice(n).toString();
String s = randomStringFromAlphabet("00001111", 4);
In following 97 ascii value of small "a".
public static char randomSeriesForThreeCharacter() {
Random r = new Random();
char random_3_Char = (char) (97 + r.nextInt(3));
return random_3_Char;
in above 3 number for a , b , c or d and if u want all character like a to z then you replace 3 number to 25.
You could use generators from the Quickcheck specification-based test framework.
To create a random string use anyString method.
String x = anyString();
You could create strings from a more restricted set of characters or with min/max size restrictions.
Normally you would run tests with multiple values:
public void myTest() {
for (List<Integer> any : someLists(integers())) {
//A test executed with integer lists