I found many solutions for copying to the clipboard, but they all either with flash, or for websites side. I\'m looking for method copy to clipboard automatically, without f
You can use a clipboard local to the HTML page. This allows you to copy/cut/paste content WITHIN the HTML page, but not from/to third party applications or between two HTML pages.
This is how you can write a custom function to do this (tested in chrome and firefox):
Here is the FIDDLE that demonstrates how you can do this.
I will also paste the fiddle here for reference.
<p id="textToCopy">This is the text to be copied</p>
<input id="inputNode" type="text" placeholder="Copied text will be pasted here" /> <br/>
<a href="#" onclick="cb.copy()">copy</a>
<a href="#" onclick="cb.cut()">cut</a>
<a href="#" onclick="cb.paste()">paste</a>
function Clipboard() {
/* Here we're hardcoding the range of the copy
and paste. Change to achieve desire behavior. You can
get the range for a user selection using
window.getSelection or document.selection on Opera*/
this.oRange = document.createRange();
var textNode = document.getElementById("textToCopy");
var inputNode = document.getElementById("inputNode");
/* --------------------------------- */
Clipboard.prototype.copy = function() {
this.oFragment= this.oRange.cloneContents();
Clipboard.prototype.cut = function() {
this.oFragment = this.oRange.extractContents();
Clipboard.prototype.paste = function() {
var cloneFragment=this.oFragment.cloneNode(true)
inputNode.value = cloneFragment.textContent;
window.cb = new Clipboard();
will do what you want. But there was no directly usable examples in this thread without cruft, so here it is:
var textNode = document.querySelector('p').firstChild
var range = document.createRange()
var sel = window.getSelection()
range.setStart(textNode, 0)