How can I generate JPA2 compliant @Entity from existing Databases?.
I found this: Question
Still its not clear if JBoss will generate compliant JPA2 and also
Eclipse provides this function for some time now (origination from Dali, included since Kepler version). Just right-click on your JPA project -> JPA Tools -> Generate Entities from Tables:
Does "generate entities from table" option works for H2 database?, I always find the schema list to be empty in the Select tables step even though I have a valid connection setup with H2 database using Generic JDBC driver.
The same connection is showing tables in hibernate-tools. For example when i create a reverse engineering xml in its editor, I can refresh the tables tab and see a full list. I dont know if hibernate tools is relevant as it might be using console configuration instead.
There is an option in the Netbeans IDE to generate entities from a database.