I have a SQL query that takes a date parameter (if I were to throw it into a function) and I need to run it on every day of the last year.
How to generate a list of
Another simple way to get 365 days from today would be:
SELECT (TRUNC(sysdate) + (LEVEL-366)) AS DATE_ID
FROM DUAL connect by level <=( (sysdate)-(sysdate-366));
Oracle specific, and doesn't rely on pre-existing large tables or complicated system views over data dictionary objects.
SELECT c1 from dual
MODEL DIMENSION BY (1 as rn) MEASURES (sysdate as c1)
order by 1
SELECT (sysdate-365 + (LEVEL -1)) AS DATES
FROM DUAL connect by level <=( sysdate-(sysdate-365))
if a 'from' and a 'to' date is replaced in place of sysdate and sysdate-365, the output will be a range of dates between the from and to date.
I don't have the answer to re-use the digits table but here is a code sample that will work at least in SQL server and is a bit faster.
print("code sample");
select top 366 current_timestamp - row_number() over( order by l.A * r.A) as DateValue
from (
select 1 as A union
select 2 union
select 3 union
select 4 union
select 5 union
select 6 union
select 7 union
select 8 union
select 9 union
select 10 union
select 11 union
select 12 union
select 13 union
select 14 union
select 15 union
select 16 union
select 17 union
select 18 union
select 19 union
select 20 union
select 21
) l
cross join (
select 1 as A union
select 2 union
select 3 union
select 4 union
select 5 union
select 6 union
select 7 union
select 8 union
select 9 union
select 10 union
select 11 union
select 12 union
select 13 union
select 14 union
select 15 union
select 16 union
select 17 union
select 18
) r
print("code sample");
About a year and a half too late, but for posterity here is a version for Teradata:
SELECT calendar_date
WHERE SYS_CALENDAR.Calendar.calendar_date between '2010-01-01' (date) and '2010-01-03' (date)
Ahahaha, here's a funny way I just came up with to do this:
from shipment_weights sw
where ROWNUM < 365;
where shipment_weights is any large table;