Lazy evaluation in Python

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醉话见心 2020-11-28 05:44

What is lazy evaluation in Python?

One website said :

In Python 3.x the range() function returns a special range object which computes elements

  • 2020-11-28 05:56

    In a nutshell, lazy evaluation means that the object is evaluated when it is needed, not when it is created.

    In Python 2, range will return a list - this means that if you give it a large number, it will calculate the range and return at the time of creation:

    >>> i = range(100)
    >>> type(i)
    <type 'list'>

    In Python 3, however you get a special range object:

    >>> i = range(100)
    >>> type(i)
    <class 'range'>

    Only when you consume it, will it actually be evaluated - in other words, it will only return the numbers in the range when you actually need them.

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  • 2020-11-28 05:58

    A github repo named python patterns and wikipedia tell us what lazy evaluation is.

    Delays the eval of an expr until its value is needed and avoids repeated evals.

    range in python3 is not a complete lazy evaluation, because it doesn't avoid repeated eval.

    A more classic example for lazy evaluation is cached_property:

    import functools
    class cached_property(object):
        def __init__(self, function):
            self.function = function
            functools.update_wrapper(self, function)
        def __get__(self, obj, type_):
            if obj is None:
                return self
            val = self.function(obj)
            obj.__dict__[self.function.__name__] = val
            return val

    The cached_property(a.k.a lazy_property) is a decorator which convert a func into a lazy evaluation property. The first time property accessed, the func is called to get result and then the value is used the next time you access the property.


    class LogHandler:
        def __init__(self, file_path):
            self.file_path = file_path
        def load_log_file(self):
            with open(self.file_path) as f:
                # the file is to big that I have to cost 2s to read all file
    log_handler = LogHandler('./sys.log')
    # only the first time call will cost 2s.
    # return value is cached to the log_handler obj.

    To use a proper word, a python generator object like range are more like designed through call_by_need pattern, rather than lazy evaluation

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  • 2020-11-28 06:03

    The object returned by range() (or xrange() in Python2.x) is known as a lazy iterable.

    Instead of storing the entire range, [0,1,2,..,9], in memory, the generator stores a definition for (i=0; i<10; i+=1) and computes the next value only when needed (AKA lazy-evaluation).

    Essentially, a generator allows you to return a list like structure, but here are some differences:

    1. A list stores all elements when it is created. A generator generates the next element when it is needed.
    2. A list can be iterated over as much as you need, a generator can only be iterated over exactly once.
    3. A list can get elements by index, a generator cannot -- it only generates values once, from start to end.

    A generator can be created in two ways:

    (1) Very similar to a list comprehension:

    # this is a list, create all 5000000 x/2 values immediately, uses []
    lis = [x/2 for x in range(5000000)]
    # this is a generator, creates each x/2 value only when it is needed, uses ()
    gen = (x/2 for x in range(5000000)) 

    (2) As a function, using yield to return the next value:

    # this is also a generator, it will run until a yield occurs, and return that result.
    # on the next call it picks up where it left off and continues until a yield occurs...
    def divby2(n):
        num = 0
        while num < n:
            yield num/2
            num += 1
    # same as (x/2 for x in range(5000000))
    print divby2(5000000)

    Note: Even though range(5000000) is a generator in Python3.x, [x/2 for x in range(5000000)] is still a list. range(...) does it's job and generates x one at a time, but the entire list of x/2 values will be computed when this list is create.

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