I\'m using Eclipse Helios on Ubuntu 10.04, and I\'m trying to install CDT plugin on it. I download it from here here.
And then I go to Install New Software<
Adding the compiler to the PATH fixed the problem for me...
export PATH="$HOME/opt/cross/bin:$PATH"
Seems like having "Build Automatically" under the Project menu ought to take care of all of this. It does for Java.
You must build an executable file before you can run it. So if you don't “BUILD” your file, then it will not be able to link and load that object file, and hence it does not have the required binary numbers to execute.
So basically right click on the Project -> Build Project -> Run As Local C/C++ Application
should do the trick
You must "build" before "run", otherwise "Binary not found". You can set up "Auto build", so that it will build and run. Check this post to set up "Auto build" http://situee.blogspot.com/2012/08/how-to-set-eclipse-cdt-auto-build.html
First you need to make sure that the project has been built. You can build a project with the hammer icon in the toolbar. You can choose to build either a Debug or Release version. If you cannot build the project then the problem is that you either don't have a compiler installed or that the IDE does not find the compiler.
To see if you have a compiler installed in a Mac you can run the following command from the command line:
g++ --version
If you have it already installed (it gets installed when you install the XCode tools) you can see its location running:
which g++
If you were able to build the project but you still get the "binary not found" message then the issue might be that a default launch configuration is not being created for the project. In that case do this:
Right click project > Run As > Run Configurations... >
Then create a new configuration under the "C/C++ Application" section > Enter the full path to the executable file (the file that was created in the build step and that will exist in either the Debug or Release folder). Your launch configuration should look like this:
I faced the same problem while installing Eclipse for c/c++ applications .I downloaded Mingw GCC ,put its bin folder in your path ,used it in toolchains while making new C++ project in Eclipse and build which solved my problem. Referred to this video