I\'m using Eclipse Helios on Ubuntu 10.04, and I\'m trying to install CDT plugin on it. I download it from here here.
And then I go to Install New Software<
I was having this same problem and found the solution in the anwser to another question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1951132/425749
Basically, installing CDT does not install a compiler, and Eclipse's error messages are not explicit about this.
make sure you have GDB installed on your system...
If your using Linux based OS simply in a terminal type:
sudo apt-get install gdt
when finished downloading extract the file and install.
close your IDE (in this case eclipse and open it again and run your project.
My problem was the same as one commenter above. I had to change the binary parser to the correct one (PE for windows, ELF for Linux, mach for mac)
If you still have an error even after building the project then try to do this:
Go to the Run->Run Configuration-> now
Under C/C++ Application you will see the name of your executable + Debug (if not, click over C/C++ Application a couple of times). Select the name (in this case projectTitle+Debug).
Under this in main Tab -> C/C++ application -> Search your project -> in binaries select your binary titled by your project....
I had this problem for a long while and I couldn't figure out the answer. I had added all the paths, built everything and pretty much followed what everyone on here had suggested, but no luck.
Finally I read the comments and saw that there were some compilation errors that were aborting the procedure before the binaries and exe file was generated.
Bottom line: Do a code review and make sure that there are no errors in your code because sometimes eclipse will not always catch everything.
If you can run a basic hello world but not your code then obviously something is wrong with your code. I learned the hard way.