try {
// Do stuff
catch (Exception e) {
finally {
// Clean up
In the above block when is the finally block called? Before the
After reading all of the answers here it looks like the final answer is it depends:
If you re-throw an exception within the catch block, and that exception is caught inside of another catch block, everything executes according to the documentation.
However, if the re-trown exception is unhandled, the finally never executes.
I tested this code sample in VS2010 w/ C# 4.0
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Example 1: re-throw inside of another try block:");
Console.WriteLine("--outer try");
Console.WriteLine("----inner try");
throw new Exception();
Console.WriteLine("----inner catch");
Console.WriteLine("----inner finally");
Console.WriteLine("--outer catch");
// swallow
Console.WriteLine("--outer finally");
Console.WriteLine("Example 2: re-throw outside of another try block:");
throw new Exception();
Here is the output:
Example 1: re-throw inside of another try block:
--outer try
----inner try
----inner catch
----inner finally
--outer catch
--outer finally
Huzzah!Example 2: re-throw outside of another try block:
--catchUnhandled Exception: System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
at ConsoleApplication1.Program.Main() in C:\local source\ConsoleApplication1\Program.cs:line 53
It would be called after e is re-thrown (i.e. after the catch block is executed)
editing this 7 years later - one important note is that if e
is not caught by a try/catch block further up the call stack or handled by a global exception handler, then the finally
block may never execute at all.
Why not try it:
outer try
inner try
inner catch
inner finally
outer catch
outer finally
with code (formatted for vertical space):
static void Main() {
try {
Console.WriteLine("outer try");
} catch {
Console.WriteLine("outer catch");
// swallow
} finally {
Console.WriteLine("outer finally");
static void DoIt() {
try {
Console.WriteLine("inner try");
int i = 0;
Console.WriteLine(12 / i); // oops
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine("inner catch");
throw e; // or "throw", or "throw anything"
} finally {
Console.WriteLine("inner finally");
A simple way to tell also is to debug your code and notice when finally is called.
Your example would behave identically to this code:
try {
try {
// Do stuff
} catch(Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {
// Clean up
As a side note, if you really mean throw e;
(that is, throw the same exception you just caught), it is much better to just do throw;
, since that will preserve the original stack trace instead of creating a new one.
If there is an unhandled exception inside a catch handler block, the finally block gets called exactly zero times
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("in the try");
int d = 0;
int k = 0 / d;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("in the catch");
Console.WriteLine("In the finally");
in the try
in the catch
Unhandled Exception: System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero. at TestExceptionNesting.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\users\administrator\documents\TestExceptionNesting\TestExceptionNesting.cs:line 22
I got asked this question today at an interview and the interviewer kept going back "are you sure the finally doesn't get called?" I was uncertain if it was meant a trick question or the interviewer had something else in mind and wrote the wrong code for me to debug so I came home and tried it (build and run, no debugger interaction), just to put my mind at rest.