I am looking for suggestions on how to handle a csv file that is being created, then uploaded by our customers, and that may have a comma in a value, like a company name.
Use a tab character (\t) to separate the fields.
You can read the csv file like this.
this makes use of splits and takes care of spaces.
ArrayList List = new ArrayList();
static ServerSocket Server;
static Socket socket;
static ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
public static void ReadFromXcel() throws FileNotFoundException
File f = new File("Book.csv");
Scanner in = new Scanner(f);
int count =0;
String[] date;
String[] name;
String[] Temp = new String[10];
String[] Temp2 = new String[10];
String[] numbers;
ArrayList<String[]> List = new ArrayList<String[]>();
HashMap m = new HashMap();
date = in.nextLine().split(",");
name = in.nextLine().split(",");
numbers = in.nextLine().split(",");
String[] one = in.nextLine().split(",");
int xount = 0;
//Making sure the lines don't start with a blank
for(int y = 0; y<= date.length-1; y++)
Temp[xount] = date[y];
Temp2[xount] = name[y];
date = Temp;
name =Temp2;
int counter = 0;
while(counter < List.size())
String[] list = List.get(counter);
String sNo = list[0];
String Surname = list[1];
String Name = list[2];
for(int x = 3; x < list.length; x++)
m.put(numbers[x], list[x]);
Object newOne = new newOne(sNo, Name, Surname, m, false);
public static IEnumerable<string> LineSplitter(this string line, char
separator, char skip = '"')
var fieldStart = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)
if (line[i] == separator)
yield return line.Substring(fieldStart, i - fieldStart);
fieldStart = i + 1;
else if (i == line.Length - 1)
yield return line.Substring(fieldStart, i - fieldStart + 1);
fieldStart = i + 1;
if (line[i] == '"')
for (i++; i < line.Length && line[i] != skip; i++) { }
if (line[line.Length - 1] == separator)
yield return string.Empty;